1. September/October 2009 Issue

Please rate this month's issue of SIERRA.

Question Title

March/April 2010

March/April 2010<br>

Question Title

* 1. Please rate the visual appearance of the March/April cover.

  Excellent Good Fair Poor
Rate this cover

Question Title

January/February 2010

January/February 2010<br>

Question Title

* 2. Please rate the visual appearance of the January/February cover.

  Excellent Good Fair Poor
Rate this cover

Question Title

November/December 2009

November/December 2009<br>

Question Title

* 3. Please rate the visual appearance of the November/December cover.

  Excellent Good Fair Poor
Rate this cover

Question Title

September/October 2009

September/October 2009

Question Title

* 4. Please rate the visual appearance of the September/October cover.

  Excellent Good Fair Poor
Rate this cover

Question Title

July/August 2009

July/August 2009

Question Title

* 5. Please rate the visual appearance of the July/August cover.

  Excellent Good Fair Poor
Rate this cover

Question Title

May/June 2009

May/June 2009

Question Title

* 6. Please rate the visual appearance of the May/June cover.

  Excellent Good Fair Poor
Rate this cover

Question Title

March/April 2009

March/April 2009

Question Title

* 7. Please rate the visual appearance of the March/April cover.

  Excellent Good Fair Poor
Rate this cover

Question Title

* 8. How would you rate the March/April 2010 issue?

  Excellent Good Fair Poor
Please rate

Question Title

* 9. Please rate the March/April 2010 article "Slickrock Redemption," by Shane Farver, about canyoneers in Zion National Park's Heaps Canyon:

  Excellent Good Fair Poor
Please rate

Question Title

* 10. Please rate the March/April 2010 article "Cinema Vertigo," by Emmett Berg, about a fatal climbing trip on China's Mt. Edgar:

  Excellent Good Fair Poor
Please rate

Question Title

* 11. Please rate the March/April 2010 article "No Boundaries," by Rachel Walker, about hiking, rafting, and biking gear:

  Excellent Good Fair Poor
Please rate

Question Title

* 12. Please rate the March/April 2010 article "Private Places," by Daniel Duane, about a rock climbing and backpacking trip for Iraq and Afghanistan veterans:

  Excellent Good Fair Poor
Please rate

Question Title

* 13. Please rate the March/April 2010 article "High Plains Poison," by Rick Bass, about Montana's Colstrip power plant:

  Excellent Good Fair Poor
Please rate

Question Title

* 14. Please rate the March/April 2010 article "Cowboys and Coal Ash Don't Mix," by Rick Bass, about ranchers who live near the Colstrip plant:

  Excellent Good Fair Poor
Please rate

Question Title

* 15. Please rate the March/April 2010 article "Look Ma, No Car!" by Kyle Boelte, about bike commuting:

  Excellent Good Fair Poor
Please rate

Question Title

* 16. Please rate the March/April 2010 article "Harass a Cyclist, Go to Jail," by Rob Story, about ways to make roads safer for bicyclists:

  Excellent Good Fair Poor
Please rate

Question Title

* 17. Please rate the March/April 2010 article "Road Alone," by Lynn Rapoport, about bike camping:

  Excellent Good Fair Poor
Please rate

Question Title

* 18. Please circle the number that best describes your level of interest in different types of SIERRA content:

  High Medium Low
"Spout" (Letters from our readers, editor's note by Bob Sipchen)
"Create" (Commentary by Sierra Club executive director Carl Pope)
"Act" (A bright idea from an inspiring person)
"Innovate" (Profiles of individuals incorporating technology with sustainability)
"Smile" (A humorous look at saving the planet)
"Ponder" (First-person essay on an environmental topic)
"Grapple" (Environmental news and analysis)
"Explore" (A brief exploration of a wild destination)
"Travel" (A jaunt to an eco-destination)
"Survive" (Outdoor survival tips)
"Enjoy" (Trends, products, and tips for ecofriendly living)
"Ask" (Sage advice from Mr. Green)
"Mixed Media" (Interviews with environmental journalists and reviews of books, films, TV shows, and Web sites)
"Comfort Zone" (A green building featuring planet-friendly design)
"Bulletin" (News about the Sierra Club and its members)
"Last Words" (A photograph and commentary)
"Sierra Club Outings" (Listings of Sierra Club trips)

Question Title

* 19. What do you find most interesting about SIERRA?

Question Title

* 20. Least interesting?

Question Title

* 21. What topics would you like to see covered more often?

Question Title

* 22. Less often?

Question Title

* 23. How would you suggest improving SIERRA?