How Does Your Meter Reading Performance Compare?
Meter Reading Benchmarking

To better understand the state of utility meter reading, the Ascent Group is conducting its annual benchmarking study to evaluate meter reading performance and practices. The main objective of the study is to evaluate the tactics and strategies used today to read customer meters and to identify best practices or opportunities for improvement.

Secondary objectives include understanding:

• How utilities are using technology to reduce costs and improve performance

• Impact of AMI, AMI, and Smart Metering technologies

• The range of performance by utility and by industry segment

• How utilities measure individual, team, and department-level performance

• Ways to encourage high productivity and performance

• The role of meter reading training and its impact on performance

• How utilities are resolving inaccessible and no-read meters

• Other effective process improvement or cost-reduction techniques.

Fill out our online survey to compare your meter reading performance against others in the industry. All utility participants will receive a complimentary copy of the published report.

This is a blind study, your data will be coded and protected in the study results.

If you have any questions, please contact Christine Kozlosky at

The Ascent Group is a management consulting firm with extensive experience in customer service and call center performance improvement, benchmarking, and best practice discovery, and a leading publisher of customer service journals and reports.

The Ascent Group, Inc.•120 River Oak Way•Athens•GA•30605

888-749-0001 x2

Question Title

* 1. Please provide your contact information.

Question Title

* 2. Please briefly describe your meter reading organization, typical tasks or services performed, average number of employees per team or supervisor...

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* 3. Read meters for other utilities or municipalities? Explain below (how long, how many meters...)