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 ___    and to Strengthen the Demand for more Sustainable Products in the Mediterranean

This online stakeholder consultation aims to collect views from a wide range of stakeholders to verify a set of recommendations for policymakers to support green and circular economy businesses in the Mediterranean region.

This consultation is a contribution to the activities that SCP/RAC is undertaking in response to Decision IG.24/13 on the “Development of a Set of Regional Measures to Support the Development of Green and Circular Businesses and to Strengthen the Demand for more Sustainable Products” taken by the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention at their 21st Meeting in December 2019 (COP 21).

A draft set of policy recommendations has already been formulated (see here) based on country profiles and sub-regional baseline assessments. The objective of these recommendations is to create an enabling environment for green and circular economy businesses in the Mediterranean region. In order to fill out this survey, it is important to read the full document to understand the intentions and specificities behind all the recommendations that are summarised in this survey.


The survey consists of the following sections encompassing concrete recommendations for national governments to support green and circular businesses:

·         General policy recommendations

·         Capacity-building & knowledge dissemination

·         Access to financing and funding

·         Stimulate Consumer Demand

·         Specific Sectors or Waste Streams

·         Regional/city programs

·         Public Procurement

·         R&D and innovation

·         Key Considerations


There is the possibility to add comments that you think could make a recommendation more relevant and effective for your country (please read the document carefully before adding comments). At the end of the survey there is space to add new recommendations that are not included in the draft document.

We thank you in advance for taking the time to participate in this process.

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* 1. Name

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* 2. Gender

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* 3. What is your age group?

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* 4. Email address

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* 6. Organisation

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* 8. Having read the obstacles for green and circular businesses identified in the document (see here), would you like to add new obstacles, or do you have any comment to add?

Please indicate to what extent the following recommendations for policymakers are useful to the development of green and circular businesses in the Mediterranean, by rating them from 1 to 5 (1=lowest value, 3= neutral, 5= highest value):

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* 9. General Policy Recommendations:

  1 2 3 4 5 Not sure/I'm not qualified to answer
Develop a national Circular Economy Strategy
Create a National Commission for the Circular Economy
Create a supportive regulatory framework for sustainable enterprises by adopting a clear definition of “sustainable business” in legislation
Promote national partnerships aimed at supporting green and circular business development
Create a regulatory helpdesk (online and offline) to support circular entrepreneurs
Develop sustainable product policies and stimulate the application of circular design
Establish and improve Extended Producer Responsibility schemes
Tax benefits for sustainable technologies
Establish clear end-of-waste and by-product criteria
Waste disposal taxes: establish/increase waste disposal charges, creating an incentive to invest in reuse and recycling.
Green Free Zones providing CE SMEs and startups incentives
Further develop public-private partnership for better waste recovery and recycling

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* 10. Capacity-building and Knowledge Dissemination Recommendations:

  1 2 3 4 5 Not sure/Not qualified to answer
Create or support Circular Economy incubation and acceleration programmes
Create a national knowledge centre or network specialised in Circular Economy
Encourage educational (vocational and academic) institutions to integrate circular economy modules in their curriculum
Provide targeted information, skills, networking and training on circular entrepreneurship to girls and women
Support green and circular businesses with reaching international markets
Offer circular training and capacity programs for refugees and immigrants

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* 11. Access to Finance Recommendations:

  1 2 3 4 5 Not sure/I'm not qualified to answer
Increase public funding opportunities for green and circular businesses (further clarification in the Recommendations document)
Promote the development of alternative models of financing, such as crowdfunding, crowdlending and equity investments
Legally define sustainable activities eligible for green financing
Commitment and capacity-building in the financial sector
Put in place financial instruments in benefit of women-led and women-owned circular businessess eg. subsidized credit and grants, tax incentives, etc.

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* 12. Recommendations to Stimulate Demand (both public and private):

  1 2 3 4 5 Not sure/I'm not qualified to answer
Support awareness-raising campaigns on sustainable consumption and circular practices among consumers
VAT Reduction or Exemption for Second-hand Goods and Repair Services
Support green and circular businesses with reaching international markets
Make Green Public Procurement (and monitoring) mandatory practice across all government bodies
Provide circular procurement training and support for local authorities

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* 13. Recommendations on Specific Sectors or Waste Streams

  1 2 3 4 5 I'm not sure/I'm not qualified to answer
Introduce a ban on certain single-use plastic products
Promote circular practices in the construction sector
Promote sustainable principles and practices in the tourism industry
Support circular businesses cases in the bio-based economy
Promote regenerative agriculture and agroforestry
Promote local upcycling businesses

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* 14. Recommendations on Regional/City Programmes

  1 2 3 4 5 I'm not sure/ I'm not qualified to answer
Promote the development of municipal reuse centres
Stimulate circular cities programmes
Incentivize programs in the area of sharing/collaborative economy
Promote industrial symbiosis
Develop cluster infrastructures for green and circular SMEs

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* 15. Recommendations on R&D and innovation:

  1 2 3 4 5 I'm not sure/I'm not qualified to answer
Launch Circular Challenges
Define a national Research & Innovation Agenda for a Circular Economy
Funding for research & innovation for the circular economy 
Enhance data collection and knowledge production on gender aspects of circular businesses and the demand for sustainable products
Protect intellectual property of innovative green and circular businesses 

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* 16. Key Considerations/ Long Term Recommendations:

  1 2 3 4 5 I'm not sure/I'm not qualified to answer
Enforcement of environmental laws and regulations
Support the informal sector to implement circular principles (further clarification in the Recommendations document)
Address structural market failures
Implement environmental taxes, e.g. a carbon tax, waste disposal tax or a tax on virgin plastics, to incentivise companies to invest in sustainable business models
Phase out environmentally harmful subsidies
Include women and disadvantaged social groups (especially migrant and refugees; youth at risk of exclusion and people with disabilities) in policy design and decision making relating to circular economy.
Adopt a more comprehensive monitoring system at national level, looking beyond GDP, incorporating circularity indicators (e.g. waste reduction)
Adopt green recovery plans that invest in sustainable activities with job creation potential (e.g. reuse and remanufacturing sectors, renewable sector, housing renovation)

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* 17. If you have other recommendations for policymakers to create enabling conditions for green and circular businesses, please specify here:

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* 18. What measures should be taken by governments to integrate a gender equality approach in the circular economy? Do you know of any good practices to encourage circular businesses to consider gender equality and/or in support of women-led circular businesses, in particular from national or local governments in the region?