The Heckman Equation Advocate Survey

The Heckman Equation is a website and resource database that helps advocates like you make the case for increased investments in high-quality early childhood education - especially as policymakers look to re-open the economy and make difficult budget decisions.
We’re developing new resources for you and want to hear about how you currently interact with the Heckman Equation and what you'll need going forward in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. 
To that end, please take a few minutes to complete the survey below. Survey closes Friday, August 14 at 5:00 PM ET. Please contact with any questions regarding this survey.

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* 1. First and last name

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* 2. Email address

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* 3. Organization you represent

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* 4. Are you a/an:

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* 5. In what ways do you engage with the Heckman Equation?

  Frequently/Often Sometimes Not at all
Attending speaking events/presentations featuring Professor Heckman and his team.
Download resources (presentations, papers, etc) from the Heckman Equation website.
Follow and share social media posts.
Reference the Heckman Equation research in presentations or documents (including print or digital).
Participate in virtual events and webinars by Professor Heckman and his team.

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* 6. What type of resource do you use the most?

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* 7. What type of resources would you like to see the Heckman Equation provide? Please share the type of resource (i.e., templates, video, etc.) and the subject matter.

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* 8. If you have shared any Heckman Equation research and/or resources, who did you share them with and what specifically did you share? (It is very helpful to learn details about when/what/why you shared a specific resource or cited Professor Heckman's arguments. You may share more than one in this comment box.)

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* 9. What is the most frequent way you usually share the Heckman Equation research and resources?

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* 10. In what ways has COVID-19 impacted your advocacy efforts?

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* 11. What Heckman Equation research/resource topics could help advance your efforts in the current, challenging times?

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* 12. Would customized resources for your state or locality be useful in your current advocacy efforts?

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* 13. If yes, which ones?

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* 14. Do you have any additional feedback regarding the Heckman Equation platform/resources?