Family Feud Questions

1.What is your favorite Bible story?
2.What is your favorite breakfast food?
3.Out of all the movies you have seen in the past 12 months, which is your most favorite?
4.What is your favorite sport?
5.What type of job do you have?
6.What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
7.Who is your favorite person in the Bible?
8.What kind of pets do you have?
9.What is your favorite thing to do in the summer?
10.Where is your dream vacation?
11.Who is your favorite superhero?
12.Tell me a word that rhymes with honey.....
13.Name a popular ride at an amusement park
14.Name an animal that was in Noah's ark.
15.Name a holiday where you don't receive gifts.
16.Name of a green vegetable.
17.What is your favorite holiday?
18.Name a color on Joseph's colorful coat.
19.Name a yellow fruit or vegetable.
20.Name something you would find in your mother's purse.
21.What is your demographic?