The Arc Lane County Survey on Emergency Preparedness

1.Please select your preferred language.
2.What is your age?
3.Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
4.I am...
5.What type of disability/disabilities do you have?
6.Do you live with anyone?
7.What is your current level of preparedness for an emergency?
8.What types of emergencies are the most concerning to you? Select all that apply.
9.Have you ever had an emergency that disrupted your day-to-day activities?
10.What type(s) of emergencies have you or your family experienced? Select all that apply.
11.What have you done to prepare for an emergency in the last year? Select all that apply.
12.Does your emergency plan include any of the following? Select all that apply.
13.Are you aware of the emergency plan(s) for your school(s), workplace(s) or community center(s)?
14.Do you have a service animal?
15.How do you receive alerts and warnings for emergencies? Select all that apply.
16.Do you use any of the following mobility devices or assistive technology devices? Select all that apply.
17.What kind of transportation do you use? Check all that apply
18.Do you own any solar-powered items (such as radios, flashlights, etc.)?
19.In an emergency, which of the following are you most concerned about going without? Check all that apply
20.Listening Session

The Arc Lane County would like to host a future listening session to discuss emergency preparedness in April and May 2024. We will pay you a stipend in the form of a gift card for your participation in a 2-hour listening session.

Would you be willing to participate in a listening session to discuss emergency preparedness?
21.The format for the listening session is still being decided. What is your preference?
22.Do you have a preference on the time of day to participate in a 2-hour discussion?
23.Do you have any access needs or accommodations?
24.Please type your name
25.Please provide your email.
26.Please provide your phone number.
27.To enter the raffle, please enter your name.
28.Please provide either your email or telephone number so we may contact you if your name is drawn in the raffle.