Hi I am a student looking into the difference between male and female preparation for GCSE exams.All infomation provided in this survey will be anonymous and i appreciate you taking time out of your day to answer it.

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* 1. Are you Male or Female?

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* 2. What revision resources did you use to aid your revision?

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* 3. Did you take your mock exams seriously?

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* 4. How much time did you dedicate to GCSE revison in a typical day?

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* 5. Did you study alone or with a group?

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* 6. What was your primary environment while preparing for GCSE exams (e.g at home,library, school, etc)?

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* 7. How confident did you feel for your GCSEs?

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* 8. How did you manage stress and anxiety while studying for the GCSE exams?

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* 9. What subjects did you perform best in at GCSE?