St Paul's School Parent Connections

Survey of St Paul's School parents

When the Parent Connections Supporter Group was formed about a year ago, it aimed to become -
  • A group for parents to come and meet other parents, strengthening the networks and support that are important for building strong healthy families.
  • A place for parents to come and learn more about the futures study project and the implications for parenting today.  
  • A place for parents who want to give back to the school using their skill set and experience. 
The PCSG is keen to work out what the interests and needs of the wider parent body are.
1.Please indicate your interest in the following activities either currently offered or proposed by the PCSG
No interest
Some interest
Considerable interest
Count me in!
Short course to learn more about the St Paul's approach to education 
Short course on Study Skills for students in Years 11-12
Short course to learn more about child and adolescent mental health
Social events to connect parents (eg. dinner at Pavarotti's)
School families camping experience
2.Please indicate your interest in the following, more "out-there", suggestions of services the PCSG might facilitate
No interest
Some interest
Considerable interest
Count me in!
A variety of community-building activities, involving parents, students, staff, past students (eg. choir; community garden; adventure club)
An organised "Parents-helping-parents" network (eg. ride-sharing)
A group that meets to explore issues of faith (possibly even becoming a Christian faith community)
3.Do you have any other suggestions or ideas, for either the PCSG or the School leadership, that might enhance your family's experience at St Paul's School?