PSA Environment Protection Authority member survey |
Definition of incoming call
The PSA defines an incoming call as a singular in coming telephone call, a singular incoming text, a singular incoming social media notification, or a singular verbal notification by a member of the public received as a result of the Officers After Hours On Call Duties at any time whilst off duty.
EPA Management is attempting to change the definition of an incoming call to; a telephone call, text or series of telephone calls or texts that requires the rostered officer to respond via telephone call or text to initiate an incident or are related to one incident. Note the series of calls is now defined as a singular incoming call and it must be tied to an incident; non-incident related calls received are not included in this definition.
The PSA has been asked to add incoming emails to the definition by the Public Affairs Section.
EPA Management is attempting to change the definition of an incoming call to; a telephone call, text or series of telephone calls or texts that requires the rostered officer to respond via telephone call or text to initiate an incident or are related to one incident. Note the series of calls is now defined as a singular incoming call and it must be tied to an incident; non-incident related calls received are not included in this definition.
The PSA has been asked to add incoming emails to the definition by the Public Affairs Section.
Analysis of the difference in definitions based on Newcastle’s past four years of AHIS records each AHIS Officer’s pay would be reduced by $7.00 for the week they are on call on average over the four years. However, some officers in incidents such as East Coast Lows could face far greater loss of allowances individually for their particular week if the EPA’s position is accepted.