Disability Employment Survey - Individual Question Title * 1. Firstly, what age bracket are you in? Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ I would prefer not to say Question Title * 2. What state/territory do you live in? ACT NSW NT QLD SA TAS VIC WA Question Title * 3. How much work have you had within the screen and/or commercial industries in the past year? (select one response) I have not worked at all Under one week in total Under one month in total Under three months in total Under six months in total I have worked part time for the past year I have worked full time for the past year Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Are you registered with a Disability Employment Service?If so, which one? I am not registered with a Disability Employment Service Yes, the name of the service is.. Question Title * 5. If you are registered with a Disability Employment Service, have they been successful in supporting you to find work in the screen or advertising sector? Yes No I don't know Question Title * 6. What are the biggest barriers you face when obtaining work within the screen and/or commercial industries? (tick all that apply) Lack of well-suited roles Lack of contacts that can help me get work Lack of jobs in my area The application process is too hard and inaccessible People not wanting to employ a person with disability Concern that my access needs will not be met Concern that I will not fit in Concern that paid work will impact my DSP payments I don't feel confident working Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. Would you feel comfortable sharing your access needs to potential employers? Yes No I don't know Question Title * 8. What are your access needs if any? (tick all that apply) Access to a quiet space Ramps and plenty of room to move around Auslan interpreters Braille and other support for me as low vision or legally blind person Support worker Working fewer hours or days More breaks within my working day I don't have any access needs Other (please specify) Question Title * 9. If you work within the screen and/or commercial industries, do you face any of the following challenges? (tick all that apply) Not enough breaks / fatigue Lack of accessible locations Discrimination or negative attitudes toward disability No quiet space to utilise Lack of resources/support such as Auslan interpreters or support workers Other (please specify) Question Title * 10. Do you rely on work or financial support outside of the screen and/or commercial industry to meet living costs? Yes No Other (please specify) Question Title * 11. Is there anything further you would like to share with us relating to working within the screen and/or commercial industries? Done