Producer Survey

Producer Survey

Harvest Algoma, a division of United Way Sault Ste. Marie and Algoma, is conducting the Algoma Agriculture Sector Development Project. Funded by the Ministry of Labour, Train and Skills Development in partnership with RAIN, AWIC, CDC of Sault Ste Marie and East Algoma Community Futures Development Corporation.  

The project is focused on; identifying current employment and career opportunities in the agriculture and food processing industry, future employment and career opportunities, skills and training needs, and barriers to people wanting to enter the sector. From this, we are coordinating with industry stakeholders to develop solutions and pathways to meet the labor and skill needs of agriculture business in Algoma District. Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated so we can help your business develop into your vision for it.
1.What Sector of Agriculture are you involved in? (check all that apply)
2.What stage would you say your farm business is at?
3.If you are planning to retire in the near future, what is your strategy
4.How many employees do you have?
5.Do you identify as 
6.If you have season employees how many do you typically employ?
7.Do you have labour requirements not being filled?
8.If you answered yes, what are some challenges you are facing finding or retaining employees?
9.How do you advertise for new employees? (check all that apply)
10.What skills do you look for/require from new employees?
11.For producers Expanding or Diversify is hiring employees part of your plan? 
12.Have labour challenges limited your ability to expand or diversify? 
13.Are their skills/training that you would like yourself to help your business?
14.If yes, what are they?
15.Do you believe Algoma District is lacking in certain services, professionals and infrastructure that would support agriculture sector in the region?
16.If yes, what are they?
17.What part of the District is your farm or business located?
18.Would you participate in a follow up interview?
19.If yes, please provide name and contact information.