Global Risks and Impacts

Question Title

* 1. Please score the PROBABILITY that your organization will be negatively impacted by the following items:
(1=not at all likely, 5=extremely likely)

  1 (Not at all likely) 2 3 4 5 (Extremely likely)
Artificial Intelligence (The implications of current AI technologies on existing jobs including management and professional roles.)
Civil unrest (Activist protestors disrupting roads, transportation systems, and places of work. Injury, damage to buildings, and public disorder.)
Climate change and environmental impact (Increased flood risk in coastal areas and drought in hot areas. Impact on future expansion, new construction methods, and building protocols.)
Cyber events (All disruptive cyber events including ransomware, service denial, information corruption, and data theft.)
Financial stability (Overall state of the domestic and global economy based on a wide range of financial indicators and the risks of a systemic banking failure.)
Human resource issues (Acquiring and retaining staff with current and future skills.)
Increased regulation (Compliance failure leading to financial penalties and possible withdrawal of operating licenses.)
Infectious diseases (Pandemics, epidemics, respiratory illnesses, Ebola-type diseases, and new bacterial diseases.)
IT disruptions (IT failure resulting in a system or application outage for an unacceptable duration.)
Major incidents to facilities (Fires, floods, explosions, chemical pollution, building collapse.)
Natural disasters (Hurricanes, tornadoes, cyclones, seismic events, wildfires.)
Power shortages (Inadequate power to maintain normal operational functionality caused by failure of an organization or service provider infrastructure.)
Reputational issues - targeted attacks (Propagation of misinformation, memes, and fake profiles to damage an organization's reputation.)
Supply chain issues (Disruption of key supplies, supplier failure, low inventories, single-source supplier, global shortage of commodities and raw materials.)
Terrorism (Domestic and global terrorist attack on high population density areas such as central business district (CBD) locations and transportation.)

Question Title

* 2. Please score the POTENTIAL IMPACT that your organization might suffer if any of the following were to occur:
(1=no impact, 5=maximum impact/threaten survival)

  1 (No impact) 2 3 4 5 (Maximum impact/threaten survival)
Artificial Intelligence (The implications of current AI technologies on existing jobs including management and professional roles.)
Civil unrest (Activist protestors disrupting roads, transportation systems, and places of work. Injury, damage to buildings, and public disorder.)
Climate change and environmental impact (Increased flood risk in coastal areas and drought in hot areas. Impact on future expansion, new construction methods, and building protocols.)
Cyber events (All disruptive cyber events including ransomware, service denial, information corruption, and data theft.)
Financial conditions (Overall state of the domestic and global economy based on current financial indicators and the risks of a systemic banking failure.)
Human resource issues (Acquiring and retaining staff with current and future skills.)
Increased regulation (Compliance failure leading to financial penalties and possible withdrawal of operating licenses.)
Infectious diseases (Pandemics, epidemics, respiratory illnesses, Ebola-type diseases, and new bacterial diseases.)
IT disruptions (IT failure resulting in a system or application outage for an unacceptable duration.)
Major incidents to facilities (Fires, floods, explosions, chemical pollution, building collapse.)
Natural disasters (Hurricanes, tornadoes, cyclones, seismic events, wildfires.)
Power shortages (Inadequate power to maintain normal operational functionality caused by failure of an organization or service provider infrastructure.)
Reputational issues - targeted attacks (Propagation of misinformation, memes, and fake profiles to damage an organization's reputation.)
Supply chain issues (Disruption of key supplies, supplier failure, low inventories, single-source supplier, global shortage of commodities and raw materials.)
Terrorism (Domestic and global terrorist attack on high population density areas such as central business district (CBD) locations and transportation.)

Question Title

* 3. For each of the five strategic and/or emerging issues, please assess your organization's view of its IMPORTANCE AS A CURRENT RISK. (1/2=no/limited concern, 4/5=significant/imminent risk)

  1  (not a current concern, unlikely to become a major resilience issue in the next 10 years) 2  (limited current concern, but likely to become an important issue in next 5 years) 3  (moderate current concern, but no policy in place to address) 4  (significant current concern, but only limited policy in place to address) 5  (imminent risk, for which we are already working on mitigation measures)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications launched without proper regulation and an inadequate legal framework (The world is soon to see a range of technologies based on AI that have tremendous potential for improving productivity and efficiency. They will inevitably lead to a major reconstruction of the labor market with possible wide-scale unrest and disorder. If not properly regulated and monitored, they also will be used for unethical purposes - putting safety, security and privacy of individuals, companies and nations at serious risk.)
Changing alliances and geo-political conflicts (Geo-political changes resulting from armed conflict, state terrorism, and fomenting political protest in other countries. New alliances formed from security, economic, and commercial imperatives. Factors include the strategic use of foreign aid, imposition of sanctions and governmental retaliation against nations that it sees as unhelpful.)
Ecosystem tipping points (The proximity of irrevocable changes to ecosystems that can affect food supplies, the habitability of coastal regions, and island nations, and biodiversity. Secondary and tertiary impacts will adversely impact supply chain disruption, increased natural disasters, public health and civil unrest.)
Lack of natural resources to sustain a modern economy (The rapid reduction of fossil fuels as the primary source of energy. Public dislike of nuclear and the cost/technical difficulty of scaling up wind, solar, or hydro. Water is also increasingly scarce and difficulties of desalination at scale are significant. Important rare metals might also be difficult to source as the technology needing them expands.)
Trust in organizations and institutions to offer a sustainable future (Limited confidence in ability of governments, financial institutions, and corporate boards to properly address complex social problems. Inadequate policies on environmental issues, causing fear that sustainability goals will not be met.)

Question Title

* 4. For each of the five strategic and/or emerging issues, please assess your organization's view of its IMPORTANCE WITHIN THE NEXT FIVE YEARS. (1=unlikely to be an issue, 5=likely to become the top resilience issue)

  1  (unlikely to become a significant resilience issue) 2 (likely to become an issue of concern) 3  (likely to become an important issue) 4 (likely to become a critical issue) 5  (likely to become the top resilience issue)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications launched without proper regulation and an inadequate legal framework (The world is soon to see a range of technologies based on AI that have tremendous potential for improving productivity and efficiency. They will inevitably lead to a major reconstruction of the labor market with possible wide-scale unrest and disorder. If not properly regulated and monitored, they also will be used for unethical purposes - putting safety, security and privacy of individuals, companies and nations at serious risk.)
Changing alliances and geo-political conflicts (Geo-political changes resulting from armed conflict, state terrorism, and fomenting political protest in other countries. New alliances formed from security, economic, and commercial imperatives. Factors include the strategic use of foreign aid, imposition of sanctions and governmental retaliation against nations that it sees as unhelpful.)
Ecosystem tipping points (The proximity of irrevocable changes to ecosystems that can affect food supplies, the habitability of coastal regions, and island nations, and biodiversity. Secondary and tertiary impacts will adversely impact supply chain disruption, increased natural disasters, public health and civil unrest.)
Lack of natural resources to sustain a modern economy (The rapid reduction of fossil fuels as the primary source of energy. Public dislike of nuclear and the cost/technical difficulty of scaling up wind, solar, or hydro. Water is also increasingly scarce and difficulties of desalination at scale are significant. Important rare metals might also be difficult to source as the technology needing them expands.)
Trust in organizations and institutions to offer a sustainable future (Limited confidence in ability of governments, financial institutions, and corporate boards to properly address complex social problems. Inadequate policies on environmental issues, causing fear that sustainability goals will not be met.)

Question Title

* 5. CYBER THREATS: From the list below, please rate the level of concern for your organization.

  Not concerned Somewhat concerned Very concerned
Denial of service
Theft of information
Destruction of information
Code injections to control an application’s data
Spoofing and phishing