
Thank you for responding to this brief "pulse" survey. In 2019, USDA-NIFA, ECOP and National 4-H Council signed an MOU to enhance coordination, collaboration and cooperation among the National 4-H Partners. It also clarified the roles and responsibilities of each Partner with respect to the 4-H Youth Development Program.

There's been signifciant progress and change since then, along with changes in leadership among all three Partners. Our intention is that this survey will take no more than 10 minutes of your day, but those 10 minutes will provide valuable direction as the Partners work together to update this MOU and support Extension's significant commitment to readiness as a national priority. Your responses are anonymous and results will be shared with Extension leadership.

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* 1. How long have you been in your current role?

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* 2. In what region do you currently work?

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* 3. Which of the following best describes your role?