Welcome to the 2025 FSST Housing Needs Assessment, a survey that focuses on your housing needs and preferences. We would like to hear about your housing experiences and how culture and lifeways can be supported in future homes and neighborhoods. What you share can help us address quality of life, economic stability, and housing and community development. The survey is voluntary and is estimated to take 10-25 minutes to complete. We will protect your responses, and there are no right or wrong answers.
As a thank you for sharing your experiences, you will receive a $25.00 Walmart card and have your name entered into a drawing for a $500.00 visa card. You will need to provide your contact information for the drawing. Only one gift card will be awarded per person. If you have any questions or concerns about the survey, please contact Leah Fyten, Executive Director (605)997-2194, Housing@fsst-nsn.gov, if you’re unable to meet in person.

Question Title

* 1. How old are you?

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* 2. Do you live on FSST lands ?

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* 3. If you answered "NO" to question #2, would you ever want to live on reservations lands?

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* 4. What is the zip code for the place you live most of the time?(Required, limit to 5 digits)

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* 6. How long have you been in this housing situation? (Choose one)

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* 7. Do you own your home (i.e., pay a mortgage, own your home without a mortgage, own your home with others)?

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* 8. What type(s) of housing have you lived in since becoming an adult? Check all that apply.

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* 10. How many individuals living in your home are...

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* 11. How would you describe your relationships with the other people living in your home? They are your ____________. Check all that apply.

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* 12. Overall, how satisfied are you with your current housing situation?

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* 13. What changes, if any, would make your housing situation better for you or your family? Please write “None” if no changes would improve your housing situation.

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* 14. Have you experienced, now or in the past, changes in housing that were outside of your control due to any of the following?

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* 15. How could/does homeownership benefit you and your family?

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* 16. Have you ever done any of the following? Check all that apply.

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* 17. What, if anything, has prevented you from buying a home or made the home-buying process difficult? Please write “Nothing” if you have faced no barriers or difficulties around home-buying. (Please describe)

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* 18. Is it important that your home reflects your tribal cultural traditions, beliefs, and practices? (Choose one)

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* 19. Do you have a home outside of the FSST reservation lands but need housing on the reservation due to school, work, medical, or other reasons?

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* 20. What makes FSST reservation a good place to live?

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* 21. What makes the FSST reservation a less desirable place to live?

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* 22. What type(s) of housing would work best for you?

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* 23. What size of housing would you prefer?

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* 24. Where would you prefer to live?

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* 25. How important would it be that your home include these features?

  Very important Somewhat important Not so important
Primary doorway facing a valued/traditional direction
Separate space for working from home
Laundry space
Garage/storage space/workshop
Yard/patio space
Fire pit outside the home
Home garden/herb garden
Land area over 1.25 acres for agriculture use
Studio adjacent to the main home (e.g., an Accessory Dwelling Unit or ADU)

Question Title

* 26. How important would it be that your home include these ease of access features?

  Very important Neutral Not important
Front entrance ramp (easier access to/from the primary entrance)
Wider hallways (additional maneuvering clearances within the home and doorways)
Restroom grab bars (support for bathing and toilet access)
Roll-in shower with accessible controls

Question Title

* 27. How important would it be that your home include these community features?

  Very important Neutral Not important
Not Important
Very Important
Walking trail
Recreation area for youth or adults (e.g., basketball court)
Play area for children
Community garden
Community kitchen
Outdoor gathering space
Indoor gathering space
Shared fire pit

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* 28. Which daily life services are most important to have near your home

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* 29. Which career or education programs are most important to have near your home?

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* 30. Which social, cultural, or recreational spaces are most important to have near your home?

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* 31. If you were to purchase a new home, who would you want to buy it with?

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* 34. Which of the following describe your current housing today? The place I live now has…

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* 35. How many individuals are sharing your living space including yourself?

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* 36. Is your household multi-generational? (children, grandchildren, grandparents)

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* 37. How much of your total household income goes to housing costs?

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* 38. What is your total annual household income before taxes? Please include money from jobs or other earnings, pensions, interest, social security, child support, etc.

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* 39. Enter the following information