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On February 21, Change Healthcare, a clearinghouse subsidiary of UnitedHealth Group, experienced a cyberattack. The resulting system outages caused disruptions to electronic transactions across the health care system.

The AOA is seeking feedback from members via this survey to assess the level of service disruption and financial stress on practices. This will help the AOA better understand the challenges members have faced, and the extent to which these disruptions persist. Information gathered will be used to further inform our advocacy to stakeholders and policymakers on behalf of DOs and their patients.

Please submit your responses by Friday, April 30, 2024. Thank you for your time in completing it.

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* 1. Including yourself, how many physicians are in your practice? Solo practice

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* 3. Has your practice experienced any service and/or financial disruptions since February 21, 2024, because of the Change Healthcare cyberattack?

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