Survey of BCM Newsletter Readers

The Brand Career Management newsletter started in Sept 2016. We surveyed readers in Nov 2017. We’re seeking your feedback again to make sure we are meeting your career needs. Please answer honestly!

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* 1. Since you have been receiving the BCM newsletter, approximately how often have you read each issue?

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* 2. Overall, how much do you enjoy receiving the Monthly Tip Sheet (MTS)?  Note: 5 stars = MOST enjoyment

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* 3. In 2019 the newsletter was sent out EVERY OTHER month (previously it had been EVERY month).  How do you feel about the frequency of issues?

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* 4. How useful are the shared articles and resources shared in the newsletter?

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* 5. What career topics interest you the most? 

Topics ideas:  women-related issues, career management, salary negotiation, job search, branding, networking, getting a promotion, career development, work/life balance, LinkedIn, or anything else that interests you.

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* 6. What do you want/need to learn more about in order to grow your career (related to career development, not industry-specific knowledge)?

Ideas:  earn a promotion, navigate the workplace, change careers,  assess my strengths, enhance my personal brand, grow my network, manage stress, be mindful, balance life and career demands, negotiate salary,  grow as a leader or something else.

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* 7. Where do you go online career information and resources (please name any career-related websites, blogs, publications or platforms)?

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* 8. What do you like most about the BCM newsletter?  How does it help you and/or your career?

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* 9. If you shared comments in questions # 8 or #2, is it OK to share your feedback publicly?

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* 10. If you answered B above, please share how you would like your name (and or title) to be stated