2024 Indigenous Fashion Arts Festival - Guest Survey Thank you for attending the Indigenous Fashion Arts Festival! Your feedback is incredibly valuable to us, and we would love to hear about your experience.By completing this short survey, you will not only help us improve future events but also get a chance to win a $100 CF SHOP! gift card as a token of our appreciation.Your insights and opinions matter to us. Thank you for your time and support. This survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Question Title Question Title * 1. Enter your email address for a chance to win a $100 CF SHOP! gift card. Rest assured, your email address will only be used for this contest and will not be added to any mailing lists, databases, or shared with third parties. Question Title * 2. I give Indigenous Fashion Arts permission to use quotes from my survey responses for reporting, archiving, or promotional purposes. My quotes will be credited to 'Festival Guest.' Yes No Question Title * 3. Please select all that apply I am new to Indigenous Fashion Arts (first time attending) I am a returning attendee (also attended in past years) I am an Indigenous artist, maker, designer or culture worker I am a non-Indigenous artist, maker, designer or culture worker I work within the fashion industry Question Title * 4. Did you attend one or more events during the Indigenous Fashion Arts Festival? Yes No Prefer not to answer Question Title * 5. How many Indigenous Fashion Arts Festivals have you attended, including this year? (Note it was formerly Indigenous Fashion Week Toronto) 1 2 3 4 Question Title * 6. How would you rate your overall experience with the Indigenous Fashion Arts Festival at CF Toronto Eaton Centre?(1 star = Poor, 10 stars = Excellent) Question Title * 7. Which of the following did you attend during the Indigenous Fashion Arts Festival? Please select all that apply. Runway Presentation Welcome Gathering Workshop Panel Presentation Opening Night Party Marketplace Online Event Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. What did you value most about your experience at Indigenous Fashion Arts? Question Title * 9. How, if at all, did the Indigenous Fashion Arts Festival at CF Toronto Eaton Centre impact your perception of the mall? This leaves me with a much more positive perception of the mall This leaves me with a positive perception of the mall Does not change my perception of the mall This leaves me with a negative perception of the mall This leaves me with a much more negative perception of the mall Prefer not to answer Question Title * 10. How often do you typically visit CF Toronto Eaton Centre? 4 or more times a week 2-3 times a week Once a week 2-3 times a month Once a month Once a quarter 1-2 times a year Less often than once a year I have never visited CF Toronto Eaton Centre before the Indigenous Fashion Arts Festival Question Title * 11. Please share your most memorable moment at the Indigenous Fashion Arts Festival. Question Title * 12. Did you discover a new artist, designer, product or brand from visiting the Indigenous Fashion Arts Festival? Yes No Prefer not to answer Question Title * 13. If you answered “yes” please tell us about the artist, product or brand you discovered. Question Title * 14. Did you buy anything from the vendors at the IFA Marketplace? Yes I didn’t make a purchase during the festival but I intend to buy from (an) artist(s) in the future I am unsure if I will make a purchase in the future but I followed artist(s) on social media/joined their mailing list No Prefer not to answer Question Title * 15. If you made purchases at the Marketplace, approximately how much did you spend in Canadian dollars? Up to $49 $50 - $99 $100 - $249 $250 - $499 $500 - $999 $1000 - $2499 Over $2500 Question Title * 16. If you attended the Marketplace, what types of items did you purchase or most excited you? Was there a range of price points? Question Title * 17. This is the first time the Indigenous Fashion Arts Festival was held at the CF Toronto Eaton Centre. Was the Eaton Centre an enjoyable venue for the Festival? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Prefer not to answer Question Title * 18. Did you find the festival venue was easy to access? Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree Prefer not to answer Question Title * 19. How likely are you to recommend the Indigenous Fashion Arts Festival to friends, colleagues, or family? (1 star = Not likely to recommend, 10 stars = Very likely to recommend) Question Title * 20. On a scale of 1-5 how would you rate your satisfaction in terms of: Awful Poor Good Great Excellent Not Applicable or Prefer not to answer The Selection of Designers The Selection of Designers Awful The Selection of Designers Poor The Selection of Designers Good The Selection of Designers Great The Selection of Designers Excellent The Selection of Designers Not Applicable or Prefer not to answer The Quality of Runway Shows The Quality of Runway Shows Awful The Quality of Runway Shows Poor The Quality of Runway Shows Good The Quality of Runway Shows Great The Quality of Runway Shows Excellent The Quality of Runway Shows Not Applicable or Prefer not to answer The Quality of the Panels and Events The Quality of the Panels and Events Awful The Quality of the Panels and Events Poor The Quality of the Panels and Events Good The Quality of the Panels and Events Great The Quality of the Panels and Events Excellent The Quality of the Panels and Events Not Applicable or Prefer not to answer The Designers at the Marketplace The Designers at the Marketplace Awful The Designers at the Marketplace Poor The Designers at the Marketplace Good The Designers at the Marketplace Great The Designers at the Marketplace Excellent The Designers at the Marketplace Not Applicable or Prefer not to answer The Atmosphere of the Venues The Atmosphere of the Venues Awful The Atmosphere of the Venues Poor The Atmosphere of the Venues Good The Atmosphere of the Venues Great The Atmosphere of the Venues Excellent The Atmosphere of the Venues Not Applicable or Prefer not to answer The Schedule of Programming and Events The Schedule of Programming and Events Awful The Schedule of Programming and Events Poor The Schedule of Programming and Events Good The Schedule of Programming and Events Great The Schedule of Programming and Events Excellent The Schedule of Programming and Events Not Applicable or Prefer not to answer Your Overall Experience Your Overall Experience Awful Your Overall Experience Poor Your Overall Experience Good Your Overall Experience Great Your Overall Experience Excellent Your Overall Experience Not Applicable or Prefer not to answer Question Title * 21. What is the main reason you attended the Indigenous Fashion Arts Festival? (Please select top three) To see a particular designer or brand To spend quality time with friends and/or family To support someone participating in the festival To expand my perspective and learn something new To support Indigenous makers, artists and designers To inspire my creativity To have fun To actively participate in the arts To build my professional network To improve my sense of wellbeing To deepen my knowledge on a relevant topic To immerse myself in an experience To celebrate my community and heritage I was an accidental visitor I attended because it was free Word-of-mouth recommendation Prefer not to answer Other (please specify) Question Title * 22. How did you find out about the Indigenous Fashion Arts Festival? (please select all that apply) Festival mailing list Social media Transit advertising Posters Word-of-mouth Signage Television interview or feature Magazine or newspaper feature Reviews Online blogs and forums Came across part of the show at a partner venue Advertisements in publications Festival website Akimbo Prefer not to answer Other (please specify) Question Title * 23. Please respond to the following statements: Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree The festival made me appreciate the diversity of Indigenous arts, culture, fashion and design. The festival made me appreciate the diversity of Indigenous arts, culture, fashion and design. Strongly Disagree The festival made me appreciate the diversity of Indigenous arts, culture, fashion and design. Disagree The festival made me appreciate the diversity of Indigenous arts, culture, fashion and design. Neutral The festival made me appreciate the diversity of Indigenous arts, culture, fashion and design. Agree The festival made me appreciate the diversity of Indigenous arts, culture, fashion and design. Strongly Agree I feel differently about Indigenous fashion and design based on my experience at the festival. I feel differently about Indigenous fashion and design based on my experience at the festival. Strongly Disagree I feel differently about Indigenous fashion and design based on my experience at the festival. Disagree I feel differently about Indigenous fashion and design based on my experience at the festival. Neutral I feel differently about Indigenous fashion and design based on my experience at the festival. Agree I feel differently about Indigenous fashion and design based on my experience at the festival. Strongly Agree I think the festival should continue to showcase Indigenous fashion, textile, craft and design across Canada. I think the festival should continue to showcase Indigenous fashion, textile, craft and design across Canada. Strongly Disagree I think the festival should continue to showcase Indigenous fashion, textile, craft and design across Canada. Disagree I think the festival should continue to showcase Indigenous fashion, textile, craft and design across Canada. Neutral I think the festival should continue to showcase Indigenous fashion, textile, craft and design across Canada. Agree I think the festival should continue to showcase Indigenous fashion, textile, craft and design across Canada. Strongly Agree I feel this festival brought more visibility and access to Indigenous arts and culture. I feel this festival brought more visibility and access to Indigenous arts and culture. Strongly Disagree I feel this festival brought more visibility and access to Indigenous arts and culture. Disagree I feel this festival brought more visibility and access to Indigenous arts and culture. Neutral I feel this festival brought more visibility and access to Indigenous arts and culture. Agree I feel this festival brought more visibility and access to Indigenous arts and culture. Strongly Agree I discovered new artists and designers through the festival. I discovered new artists and designers through the festival. Strongly Disagree I discovered new artists and designers through the festival. Disagree I discovered new artists and designers through the festival. Neutral I discovered new artists and designers through the festival. Agree I discovered new artists and designers through the festival. Strongly Agree Question Title * 24. Where did you travel from to see the Festival? Greater Toronto Area (GTA) Northern Ontario Southern Ontario (40km + from the GTA) Across Canada (please specify) International (please specify) Prefer not to answer If from across Canada or international, please specify the location: Question Title * 25. If visiting from outside of the Greater Toronto Area, how many nights did you stay in Toronto? Question Title * 26. If you visited from outside the Greater Toronto Area, how likely would you be to visit Toronto again due to your festival experience? I won't visit Toronto again I might not visit Toronto again I am unsure if I will visit Toronto again I might visit Toronto again I will visit Toronto again I won't visit Toronto again I might not visit Toronto again I am unsure if I will visit Toronto again I might visit Toronto again I will visit Toronto again Question Title * 27. Approximately how much did you spend as a result of your festival visit? Including tickets, marketplace purchases, travel, accommodations and other expenses Question Title * 28. In your opinion, what has the IFA festival brought to Toronto? Question Title * 29. Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience at the 2024 IFA Festival? (including memorable moments, constructive feedback, and suggestions) Optional Demographics: The following questions allow us to better understand the individuals and communities that have completed our survey about the Indigenous Fashion Arts Festival. We intend to use the information gathered to improve our programming, communications and audience outreach. Question Title * 30. How would you describe yourself? Woman Man Genderqueer Gender non-conforming / non-binary Two-spirit Transgender Prefer not to answer Other (prefer to self-describe as) Question Title * 31. What is your approximate total household income for 2021, before taxes and any deductions? Under $25,000 $25,000 to $49,999 $50,000 to 74,999 $75,000 to $99,999 $100,000 to $149,999 $150,000 to $199,999 $200,000 or more Prefer not to answer Question Title * 32. What is your age? Under 18 18-29 30-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 85 and older Prefer not to answer Question Title * 33. What is your level of education? High School College/University Masters Degree/Professional Degree Phd. Prefer not to answer Other (please specify) Question Title * 34. Occupational Status (please select all that apply) Student Part-time employment Full-time employment Self-employed Unemployed/Seeking employment Family Caregiver Retired Prefer not to answer Other (please specify) Question Title * 35. Which of the following do you identify as? Based on 2016 Statistics Canada Population Census. First Nations/North American Indigenous Métis Inuk (Inuit) Central & South American Indigenous North American (i.e., Canadian, Acadian, Québecois, American) British Isles (i.e., English, Scottish, Irish, Welsh, etc.) French (i.e., French, Corsican, Breton, etc.) Western European (i.e., Austrian, Belgian, German, Swiss, etc.) Northern European (i.e., Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish, etc.) Eastern European (i.e., Polish, Russian, Czech, etc. ) Southern European (i.e., Italian, Greek, Portuguese, etc.) Jewish Diaspora Black Diaspora Caribbean (i.e., Antiguan, Cuban, West Indian) Latin, Central or South American (i.e., Mexican, Brazilian, Chilean, etc.) Central and West African (i.e., Angolan, Gambian, Yoruba) North African (i.e., Algerian, Berber, Sudanese) Southern and East African (i.e., Afrikaner, Eritrean, Keyan) West Central Asian and Middle Eastern Origins (i.e., Afghan, Iranian, Syrian, Israeli, Palestinian) South Asian (i.e., Bengali, Goan, Punjabi) East and Southeast Asian (i.e., Burmese, Chinese,Thai) Oceania (i.e., Australian, New Zealander) Pacific Islander (i.e., Fijian, Maori, Samoan,etc.) Prefer not to answer Other (please specify) Done