Grain trading survey 2023

3.Do you deliver to a private merchant or co-op?
4.Do you sell all of your grain at harvest time?
5.When do you deliver your grain to the buyer?
6.Do you receive any payment for delivery?
7.Please specify the transport payment or arrangement
8.What moisture bonus or deduction is paid or deducted per percentage point? e.g. €3/1%
9.What harvest base price were you paid for your green grain per tonne? e.g. €200/t at 20% moisture content. The price should not include any transport payment, trading or shareholder bonus. If you deal with different merchants/co-ops please specify the different prices paid in the next number of questions. please skip if you did not grow a particular crop. Please skip the box below and move to feed barley.
10.Feed barley (harvest base price)
11.Feed wheat (harvest base price)
12.Feed oats (harvest base price)
13.Malting barley (harvest base price minus charges if applied or plus distilling bonus, please specify)
14.Feed beans (base price)
15.Oilseed rape (harvest base price for standard OSR)
16.Do you settle bills ahead of harvest?
17.Do you forward sell any grain?
18.Why do you not forward sell or why do you forward sell?
19.Who do you forward sell with?
20.Do you mainly forward sell certain types of product, if so which product? (tick as appropriate)
21.What percentage of your produce do you forward sell?
22.If you grew beans did you fix a price at sowing, if so what was this price?
23.Do you store any grain?
24.If you store grain do you forward sell it or sell it on spot?
25.Who do you mainly sell it to?
26.Does your grain buyer pay for the transport of your grain from the store?
27.Would you be willing to take part in a more detailed survey with the Irish Farmers Journal on grain prices?
28.Phone number