Quality Improvement Requirements - Infection Prevention and Control

New Infection Prevention and Control

As a result of the Australian Service Excellence Standards recent international accreditation we are updating our infection prevention and control requirements and evidence guide in the Certificate level. Your feedback is vital to us improving. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Health SA for their advice and input. Please read the proposed infection prevention and control requirement and suggested evidence and answer the following questions.
This new requirement will sit in ASES Certificate level under the Work, Health and Safety Standard (4.2), where an additional requirement and evidence guide for infection prevention and control has been added.
The requirement states: A system of infection control and prevention is in place.
The Evidence Guide states:
There is documented evidence that the organisation has regular internal and external Workplace Health and Safety inspections to assess compliance and develop remedial strategies. External audits may also be undertaken (e.g. Worksite Safety Audits, testing, tagging of electrical equipment).

There is evidence to show that non-compliance is addressed.

Compliance with National Child Safe principles is regularly reviewed and improved.
A formal infection control programme is planned and systematic in its approach. This system comprises of:

·       basic measures for infection control, i.e. standard and additional precautions;

·       education and training for staff and volunteers;

·       protection for staff and volunteers delivering service provision, e.g. immunization;

·       identification of hazards and minimizing risks;

·       routine practices essential to infection control such as aseptic techniques, use of single use devices, reprocessing of instruments and equipment, antibiotic usage, management of blood/body fluid exposure, handling and use of blood and blood products, sound management of medical waste;

·       effective work practices and procedures, such as environmental management practices including management of hospital/clinical waste, support services (e.g., food, linen), use of therapeutic devices;

·       surveillance;

·       incident monitoring;

·       outbreak investigation;

·       infection control in specific situations; and

·       research.

 Prioritize infection control needs and design and adjust programmes to meet this need. Follow World Health Organisation guidelines or jurisdictions Health Authority for infection prevention and control strategies. For example: COVID 19 infection control protocols including hand hygiene, cleaning and monitoring procedures, social distancing and exclusion protocols in the event of an outbreak.

Document examples:
  • Infection control policy
    Signage for hand hygiene and social distancing
1.How clear are the infection prevention and control requirements?
2.Are the expectations clear for the infection prevention and control requirement?
3.Is the infection prevention and control evidence guide and examples helpful?
4.Are the infection prevention and control requirements measurable and achievable for you?
Current Progress,
0 of 4 answered