Higher Education Product Offerings Question Title * 1. At which college or university are you employed? OK Question Title * 2. What is your position/title? Department Chair Lab/Shop Manager Lecturer Researcher Teaching Assistant Tenured Professor Untenured Professor Dean Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 3. What do you primarily teach (choose all that apply)? Biomedical Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Science Design Electrical Engineering Electronics Engineering Emerging Media Fine Arts Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Media Arts Physics Software Engineering Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 4. Who decides the curriculum for your courses? I do A committee of professors Department Chair Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 5. What obstacles do you face when it comes to changing the curriculum in your courses? Finding textbooks Getting department approval Writing course materials Learning new tools Staying up to date with industry trends Finding appropriate hardware for course use Finding appropriate software for course use Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 6. What are your biggest challenges in educating first-year engineering students? How are you working to solve these problems? OK Question Title * 7. What are your biggest challenges in educating upperclass engineering students? How are you working to solve these problems? OK Question Title * 8. When do you start planning course curriculum for the fall semester? January Febraury March April May June July August September October November December OK Question Title * 9. Do you use electronics hardware to teach your course(s)? Yes Not currently, but plans are being made No OK NEXT