JGC helps you generate awareness, customer engagement and growth: www.joannegorecommunications.com

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* 1. Do you have an internal marketing department?

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* 2. Is your company active in social media marketing?

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* 3. Does your website generate qualified leads?

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* 4. Do you use content/content marketing to generate leads?

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* 5. Can everyone in your company explain what you do, who you do it for and why it matters?

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* 6. Are you using print to generate business?

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* 7. Do you know who your competition is?

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* 8. Do you know who your buying audience is?

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* 9. Can website visitors figure out what you do, who you do it for and why it matters within the first 5 seconds of landing on home page?

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* 10. Want help telling your story to a new generation of business buyers?