What's Working? What Can Change?

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* 1. How do you rate leadership meetings over all? 

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* 2. Do you feel engaged in the meetings?

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* 3. What is it that makes you feel engaged in the meetings? 

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* 4. Do the meetings meet your expectations?

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* 5. Please share a couple of your expectations of these meetings. 

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* 6. Are they a productive use of your time?

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* 7. What would make them a more productive use of your time? 

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* 8. Do you feel leadership meetings enable you to grow professionally in your role and career?

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* 9. Please share why you answered the previous questions the way that you did. 

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* 10. What do you feel is most valuable about the leadership meetings? Please select up to 3 choices. 

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* 11. Is there anything else you would like to share?