Welcome, Applicant Information, Consent, and Disclaimer

Thank you for taking the time to read the information below on the Spay It Forward application process. This information will help you decide whether or not you would like to continue with your application to have your pet’s sterilization be considered for subsisation through WA Pet Project Inc. (ABN 49 788 434 497, Charity license no.: 21986).

The application will collect information about your pet (age, previous litters, veterinary history, etc.) for the purposes of a subsidized spay or castration for your companion animal. Information about your attitudes, beliefs, and barriers to sterilization will also be collected along with your contact details which will all remain confidential. Completion of this application will help the WA Pet Project develop new programs, or additions to this program, to best serve Western Australia to improve the rate of sterilization of companion animals. Future uses may also be research and government projects with the same aim: to improve the rate of sterilization of companion animals in Western Australia. There are no specific risks anticipated with the completion of this form.

If you decide you would like to take part in this program, you will be asked to agree to the following information:

*  You understand what you have read.
*  You consent to take part in the application.
*  You consent to the use of your information as described.

All information collected will be stored in a password-protected, electronic format in accordance with SurveyMonkey's Privacy Policy and Security Statement. All information obtained in connection with this project that can identify you will remain confidential with the only the WAPP committee and the project coordinator being allowed access. Your information will only be disclosed with your permission except as required by law. If the findings from this project are published, used in research, or presented in any public form, information will be provided in such a way that you cannot be identified. 

Your completion of the application is necessary to be considered for subsidization of your pet’s sterilization. If you do not wish to take part, you do not have to. If you decide to take part and later change your mind, you are free to withdraw from the project at any stage without explanation. Closing the browser during the application is one way to withdraw. Information collected as part of the study following its submission will be kept, unless you specifically ask to have it destroyed when you withdraw. Your decisions will not affect your application for sterilization, your relationship with the WA Pet Project, or with your pet’s healthcare providers.

Once the survey is submitted you will not be able to change your responses. Requests to delete any personal information, or to revoke your survey responses or an application, please email: spay@wapetproject.com.au.

Please note that once your application is submitted it will be reviewed along with other applications on a monthly basis, specifically, the 25th of each month. On the last day of each month you will be notified of your acceptance or otherwise. As such, completion of the application does not guarantee funding. If funding is granted, you will have 30 days following the date of acceptance in the Spay It Forward program to complete the subsidized vet work.

Contact Jennifer Sutey, Project Coordinator, at BioThink Australia for any further questions or concerns: spay@wapetproject.com.au. You can expect a response within three business days.

Question Title

* 1. By selecting Yes it indicates that (1) you have read and understood the above information; (2) you consent to the use of your information as described; (3) you are a resident of Western Australia, you are 18 years of age, and you possess a concession card; and (4) you are not in the process of surrendering or rehoming your companion animal for which you are applying.

Question Title

* 2. By selecting Yes you agree to the Terms and Conditions of the Spay It Forward Program, and certify that the information provided in this application is accurate to the best of your knowledge. You agree that you will not hold WA Pet Project Inc. or the Spay It Forward program responsible for any liability. The concession card information you provide, if you are successful, will be used only to confirm your eligibility and will not be used to any other purposes. The Spay It Forward program reserves the right to deny any application. Approval guidelines are set by the program coordinator and changes to the program can be made when necessary without prior notification.

2% of survey complete.