State GOP CC Petition

1.A Yes vote indicates that I am in favor of meeting in-person for the State GOP Central Committee meeting on March 27, 2021.
2.A Yes vote indicates that I am in favor of paper ballots, in lieu of electronic, as the form of voting in the State GOP Central Committee meeting on March 27, 2021.
3.A Yes vote indicates that I was elected into the State Republican Central Committee, to be held on March 27, 2021, as a voting member of the committee.
4.A Yes vote indicates that I stand for election integrity within the Colorado State Republican party and ask for them to change the voting and meeting procedures at their meeting on March 27, 2021.
5.A Yes vote indicates this is my legal signature on the petition request.
6.Below is my full name and county I represent(Required.)
7.Any additional comments?
Current Progress,
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