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Am gyfle i ennill set deledu Freely a wnei di gwblhau’r cwestiynau isod os gweli di’n dda?

• Rhaid bod yn 16 oed neu’n hŷn i fod yn gymwys am y gystadleuaeth.
• Dyddiad cau'r gystadleuaeth ydy Medi 9fed, 2024.
• Dewisir yr enillydd ar hap.
• Y wobr fydd teledu Freely.

Mae telerau ac amodau llawn ar gael yma

For a chance to win a Freely television set, please complete the following questions.

• You must be 16 years of age or over to be eligible for the free prize draw.
• The closing date of the competition is September 9th, 2024.
• The winner will be chosen at random.
• The prize is a Freely television.

Full terms and conditions are available here