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* 1. Hans Jenny's experiments in the 60's and 70's proved that sound vibrates and re-forms sand into straight lines

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* 2. The modern cymascope shows the way sound imprints water

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* 3. All sound healer / toning practitioners use the same vowel system to resonate the chakras

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* 4. Self-made sound is a safe and effective way to apply cymatics to ourselves, to ’tune’ and rebalance

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* 5. We can direct more life force into our physical and subtle bodies using intent, visualisation and connecting to both earth and evolutionary light energies

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* 6. Please enter your full name

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* 7. Please enter your email address 

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* 8. Would you like to be notified about upcoming events and specials?

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* 9. PLEASE NOTE: Thanks for completing the quiz for #40 - Using the Voice for Self Healing - Pillar of Light Sound Healing Meditation

You will see a screen at the end of this survey once you press DONE, which will give you the web address to complete the Certificate. (it is not a hyperlinked address - you will need to copy and paste it into a new browser to complete the steps to get your certificate)

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