BDMs are becoming a vital link between brokers and lenders in an era of rapid policy changes and Australian Broker is now researching which BDMs offer the best service to brokers throughout Australia.

If you have had outstanding service from a BDM, please support this BDM by taking 2 minutes to fill in this survey.

The results from this survey will be announced in October 2021.

Question Title

* 1. Out of the following criteria, which is the most important to you when rating a BDM from a lender? Where 1 is not important and 5 is very important.

  5 (very important) 4 3 2 1 (not important)
Customer Service
Product knowledge

Question Title

* 2. Which BDM gives you the best support?

Question Title

* 3. How would you rate the above BDM on the following criteria? Where 1 is poor and 5 is excellent

  5 (excellent) 4 3 2 1 (poor)
Customer Service
Product knowledge

Question Title

* 4. The answers and ratings you provide in this survey will be completely anonymous and will be used as collective figures and trends across our industry special reports. Please enter your details below.