Thanks so much for helping set Avaaz's course! Please read the email below, and answer the questions following. Here's the email:
Dear friends across the world,

For over a decade, Avaaz has fought and won battles to change laws, policies and politics. We've won huge victories.

But it hasn't been enough. 

Because the truth is, there's something more powerful than laws and policies. Us. The culture, values and beliefs of people. And while we were trying to change policies, anger and fear and Facebook and the Kremlin have been changing people, changing us. 

A great battle for the soul of humanity is being waged - between hope and despair, trust and distrust, truth and falsehood, fear and love, tribalism and unity, wisdom and what would seem like wisdom. And it's going on in each of us and all of us. 

The shock troops on one side of this war are well known: the trolls. Whether it's the result of the wounds of shame and hardship they experience, or simple cash payment, they are spreading social poison at an industrial scale. 

But who is on the other side? All of us. And that's where Avaaz comes in. 

Trolls and the trolliness in all of us have taken so much from us - our social networks, media networks, much of our politics, even many personal and family relationships.

Let's make the 2020s the decade we took it all back. 

And let's begin where we must - with ourselves - perhaps with a set of principles that we might try following, online and offline, to manage our own inner trolls and show the world a different way forward: 

1) Strive to Untrigger - "triggers" move us to anger and fear - they steal our best and offer our worst. We all trigger all the time, but if we own our triggers as our own: "that's my insecurity about x" then we can stop blaming others, stop being trolly, and start acting from love and wisdom. 

2) Listen for the voice within - when we're not triggered, we can listen for that quiet voice within that suggests wisdom to us. Call it conscience, wisdom, intuition, spirit, your authentic self - whatever. But it's there for all of us, if we just listen. 

3) Be kind and strong - too many of us who are nice end up as bystanders, watching uncomfortably as trolls run amuck, or worse, reacting passive aggressively. But too many of us who are strong aren't kind enough, and become trolls ourselves when we stand up for others. We need to cultivate a loving strength - both 'yin' and 'yang' - to successfully protect everything we love. 

4) Stop the Gossip, seek the truth - we can bring out the best or worst in each other. Gossip - or innuendo, fake news, smears, disinformation motivated by emotion and agenda and not care or truth - brings out our worst. We humans are fundamentally decent, but we're terrible at forming wise and accurate beliefs about each other. And most of the evils we do are in the name of such mistaken beliefs. 
If these principles speak to you, click to sign on to them, and share reflections with others who feel the same.

Imagine a world where most of us agreed to follow principles like these, and succeeded much of the time. We might still disagree on many things, but the character of that disagreement might be different. Less petty and vicious and tragic, more meaningful, perhaps respectful. Humanity would still be beautifully diverse, and sometimes clashing. But we'd be more noble at the same time. 

Maybe, more of what we're meant to be. 

And maybe that's the gift of the trolls among us and within us, and even the ones that lead us. We can look at them and say - that's just not who we are, who we want to be. And then listen for that quiet voice within, to usher us onward to who we are meant to be, for ourselves, and all of us. 

With hope and love,
Ricken and the whole Avaaz team

Question Title

* 1. What's your general reaction to this email?

Question Title

* 2. What's your feeling about the first principle suggested: Strive to Untrigger - "triggers" move us to anger and fear - they steal our best and offer our worst. We all trigger all the time, but if we own our triggers as our own: "that's my insecurity about x" then we can stop blaming others, stop being trolly, and start acting from love and wisdom.

What's your general reaction to this principle?

Question Title

* 3. Any advice or wisdom to offer on it?

Question Title

* 4. What's your feeling about the second principle suggested - Listen for the voice within - when we're not triggered, we can listen for that quiet voice within that suggests wisdom to us. Call it conscience, wisdom, intuition, spirit, your authentic self - whatever. But it's there for all of us, if we just listen. 

What's your general reaction to this principle?

Question Title

* 5. Any advice or wisdom to offer on it?

Question Title

* 6. What's your feeling about the third principle suggested - Be kind and strong - too many of us who are nice end up as bystanders, watching uncomfortably as trolls run amuck, or worse, reacting passive aggressively. But too many of us who are strong aren't kind enough, and become trolls ourselves when we stand up for others. We need to cultivate a loving strength - both 'yin' and 'yang' - to successfully protect everything we love.

What's your general reaction to this principle?

Question Title

* 7. Any advice or wisdom to offer on it?

Question Title

* 8. What's your feeling about the fourth principle suggested - Stop the Gossip, seek the truth - we can bring out the best or worst in each other. Gossip - or innuendo, fake news, smears, disinformation motivated by emotion and agenda and not care or truth - brings out our worst. We humans are fundamentally decent, but we're terrible at forming wise and accurate beliefs about each other. And most of the evils we do are in the name of such mistaken beliefs. 

What's your general reaction to this principle?

Question Title

* 9. Any advice or wisdom to offer on it?

Question Title

* 10. Any other comments, wisdom or advice on this campaign? We know it could be shorter, but we're keen for advice on the substance - are there principles that might be better, or ways to say these principles better?