Question Title

* 1. Full name, including form of address (e.g. "Dr. Alexander Smith," "Mrs. Ada Lovelace")

Question Title

* 2. Professional Title (e.g. "Senior Engineer," "Associate Professor")

Question Title

* 3. Organizational Affiliation (e.g. "Miskatonic University," "Aperture Science, LLC")

Question Title

* 4. Mailing address (e.g. "888 First Street NE", "1600 Pennsylvania Ave Suite 700")

Question Title

* 5. City, State and Zip (e.g. "Washington, DC 20023")

Question Title

* 6. Work telephone number (e.g. "202.502.6601")

Question Title

* 7. Work email (e.g. "")

Question Title

* 8. Presentation Title (limit 4,000 characters, including spaces)

Question Title

* 9. Presentation Abstract (4000 character limit)

Question Title

* 10. Co-authors: Name (including form of address), professional title, organizational affiliation, city, and state.
(e.g. "Mr. Michael Jordan, Shooting Guard, Chicago Bulls, Chicago, IL")
If no co-authors, type "None"

Please note that any co-authors planning to attend the conference should register via the attendee registration form.

Question Title

* 11. Please provide the phonetic spelling or any notes about how to pronounce the presenter's name (optional).

Question Title

* 12. Each day of the conference will run from approximately 9am to 6pm Eastern Standard Time conference.  Please indicate any time preferences you have as to when you will present.  Your time preference will not affect whether your proposal is accepted for presentation.