The SCT Coordinating Committee would like to start hosting Roundtables for anyone in the SCT L2 community, including graduate students or those new to SCT. These Roundtables will either involve a presentation of research in progress seeking feedback from the group or a discussion on a theme/question. Different from SCT reading groups, there will not be assigned reading to prepare ahead of time. We plan to have a Roundtable every 2 months or so to keep the conversations going. We hope to have our first one in February and are currently seeking volunteers to present research in progress and/or propose a discussion idea (what do you want to talk about/learn more about). This is an opportunity to discuss your research ideas, proposals, or data, seek support from those in the field, or ask questions about a particular topic in SCT and second language learning, teaching, and research.

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* 1. Name and email address

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* 2. What is your level/rank?

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* 3. Where are you located?

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* 4. Do you currently have SCT-L2 research in progress that you would like feedback on?

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* 5. If so, when would you want to present? February, April, later?

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* 6. Please provide a brief description of the project/topic:

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* 7. Do you have a question or a topic about SCT that you would like the group to discuss? If so, please provide your question or topic here:

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* 8. Do you have any questions or other information you would like to share with us about the SCT Roundtables?