Kappa Eta is committed to providing an excellent membership experience.  We would love to hear your thoughts about the following topics to help ensure that we are meeting the needs of KE members.  Thank you for you participation!

Any feedback or suggestions can be emailed to Amanda Tobias KE President at amanda.tobias.rn@gmail.com or Sara Teplitsky KE Vice President/President - elect at saralteplitsky@gmail.com

We thank you for your participation. 

Question Title

* 1. What type of topics would you be interested in? Please select which topic(s) interest you. 

Question Title

* 2. What day(s) of the week best suit your availability for meetings and/or events?

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* 3. What time of day is best for an event based on your availability or preference? 

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* 4. What kind of volunteer opportunities would you be interested in? 

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* 5. If the Chapter developed an event or program around your interests, would you be willing to serve on a committee to plan or conduct that event?