Survive To Thrive Application - Open Cohort - English - H.A. Please complete this application form in full to apply for AMI's Survive to Thrive programme.AMI's Survive to Thrive programme has been designed for established businesses who are looking to survive and thrive - the information you provide in this survey will be used to evaluate your business' eligibility for the programme. Question Title 1. Our Privacy Policy explains how AMI uses and handles the data that you share with us - you can review this here. Please know that AMI follows rigorous processes to protect and store your data securely. If you have any questions, please reach out to us via email at . I understand and accept the terms of AMI's Privacy Policy and choose to continue with this survey Question Title 2. Please provide the following details: Your first name: Your last name (surname): The name of your business: Your email address: Question Title 3. Please select your country code followed by your cellphone number with no spaces: +254 (Kenya) +250 (Rwanda) +27 (South Africa) +255 (Tanzania) +234 (Nigeria) ========== +213 (Algeria) +244 (Angola) +229 (Benin) +267 (Botswana) +226 (Burkina Faso) +257 (Burundi) +237 (Cameroon) +238 (Cape Verde) +236 (Central African Republic) +235 (Chad) +269 (Comoros Islands) +243 (DRC) +253 (Djibouti) +20 (Egypt) +240 (Equatorial Guinea) +291 (Eritrea) +251 (Ethiopia) +241 (Gabon) +220 (Gambia) +233 (Ghana) +224 (Guinea) +245 (Guinea-Bissau) +225 (Ivory Coast) +266 (Lesotho) +231 (Liberia) +218 (Libya) +261 (Madagascar) +265 (Malawi) +223 (Mali) +222 (Mauritania) +230 (Mauritius) +212 (Morocco) +258 (Mozambique) +264 (Namibia) +227 (Niger) +239 (Sao Tome & Principe) +221 (Senegal) +248 (Seychelles) +232 (Sierra Leone) +252 (Somalia) +211 (South Sudan) +249 (Sudan) +268 (Swaziland) +228 (Togo) +216 (Tunisia) +256 (Uganda) +260 (Zambia) +263 (Zimbabwe) Cellphone number eg. 721234567 Question Title 4. What is your gender? Female Male Prefer not to say Question Title 5. What city/town is your business based in? Question Title 6. Is your business registered? (Please note that your business does not need to be registered to participate in this programme.) Yes No If yes, when did you register your business?Eg. 2007 Question Title 7. In 1-2 sentences, please describe what your business does: Question Title 8. Is your business in the Hospitality and Tourism Sector? Yes No Other (please specify) Question Title 9. What type of Hospitality & Tourism business do you run? Accomodation Activity / Experience Providers Arts & Crafts Event Coordination Online Tools / Marketing Support Restaurant / Bar Transport Travel Agency / Tour Operator Supplier of Hospitality & Tourism Businesses Other (please specify) Question Title 10. What was your business's annual revenue for 2019? Less than $1000 $1,000 - $10,000 $10,000 - $30,000 $30,000 - $100,000 $100,000 - $300,000 $300,000 - $1,000,000 More than $1,000,000 Question Title 11. How many paid employees* work for your business? (*Please include yourself in this number) Question Title 12. Which trajectory best describes where your business is at? On the shelf – we’ve completely shut down and are not trading at all Hibernating – we’ve temporarily ceased operations until the lockdown is lifted Hanging on – we’re operating on a reduced basis (taking in any business we can get) Recovering – we’ve been severely affected by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic but managed to hang on and are recovering Unchanged – we’re operating as usual (revenue/cost level has not decreased by more than 30%) Same business growing – there’s a greater demand for our products/services (revenue has grown by more than 30%) New business growing – we were severely impacted by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic but were able to switch quickly to other products/services that are in demand Question Title 13. What are you most concerned about when you think about your business right now? Question Title 14. Given everything that is happening around the Covid-19 pandemic, what is one specific outcome you hope to achieve for your business from this programme? Please select one from the list below. Grow revenue Reduce costs / cost management Keep better records of my business' financial performance Improve and adapt marketing and sales Review business strategy and planning Streamline operations Manage my people better Financial forecasting for my business Other (please specify) Question Title 15. Accessing online resources and tools is a core part of this programme. Do you have access to the Internet? Yes, I do No, I don't but could arrange to use a friend's/family member's computer No, I don't and will not be able to access the online content Question Title 16. What language would you like to take the programme in? English Kinyarwanda Question Title 17. Please tick each box below to confirm that you are aware of the programme requirements. If selected for this programme, as the business owner, you would be required to: a) Work seriously on ensuring your business survives and thrives during the full 12 months of the programme b) Participate in six 90-minute virtual sessions c) Track your business’ growth by recording financial figures every month and submitting this to AMI every month of the programme d) Track your business' annual growth by recording and sharing your business' annual performance data with AMI at the beginning of the programme, and for 3 years after the programme e) Get online and access AMI's online resources, tools and courses Question Title 18. OPTIONAL: Please provide the full name, contact details and role of the colleague who would participate in the Survive to Thrive programme with you. Their name Their email address Their contact number Their role in the business If you have any questions, please contact AMI by emailing us at . 100% of survey complete. Done