For more information on this survey and to learn more ways to help hedgehogs, please visit our website and follow us on our social channels:


Instagram SWCC
Instagram Hedgehog Hospital

Question Title

* 1. How did you see this hedgehog?

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* 2. Please describe where you saw the hedgehog? Provide a description of the area, the address and/or postcode

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* 3. Where did you spot the hedgehog? Please download W3W app and provide a precise location using What3Words (if possible).

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* 4. Are you able to read the number on the tag?

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* 5. Please describe the behaviour you observed and surrounding habitat at the time i.e. crossing a road, sniffing under a hedge, eating in my garden.

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* 6. What time of day did you spot the hedgehog? Please complete a new survey for each separate sighting.


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* 8. How did you learn about this project