Survey for Bonne Femme Watershed Landowner

Survey for Bonne Femme Watershed Landowners

The Boone County Resource Management Department wants to find out what landowners in the Bonne Femme watershed like you value. This watershed contains many natural resources, especially in the following areas - Rock Bridge Memorial State Park, Three Creeks Conservation Area, and the Katy Trail by Cooper’s Landing. Think about the region and what you find most important for the future of the area, and if there are any changes you would like to see in the watershed. There are no right or wrong answers to the survey, and you will not be identified.
1.During the past year, how often have you visited any of the following parks?
Multiple times a week
A few times a year
Rock Bridge Memorial State Park
Three Creeks Conservation Area
Katy Trail by Cooper’s landing
2.How often do you plan on participating in the following activities in these recreational open spaces in the next year?
Multiple times a week
A few times a year
Riding Horses
Riding Bikes
Nature viewing
Bird watching
Spending time with family and friends
Attending events
Utilizing an assistance device such as a wheelchair
3.How important is it to you for local government agencies to prioritize the following tasks?
Not Important
Somewhat Not Important
Somewhat Important
Very Important
Providing outdoor recreation services
Building and maintaining trail systems
Providing hunting/fishing locations
Providing environmental education
Regulating residential development
Regulating commercial development
Protecting wildlife habitat (bird, fish, deer, and bat)
Restoring damaged river and streams
Preserving open spaces
Developing more accessible trails
Control invasive plant species
4.As a landowner, how do you see these open space  and recreational areas influencing the following aspects of life?
Significantly Increases
No impact
Significantly decreases
Value of your property
People moving to the area
Business coming to the local area
Build, a sense of community
Local land value
Water quality
Air quality
Public health
5.Did the proximity to these open spaces and recreational areas influence you buying land in the watershed?
Strongly Discouraged
Strongly Encouraged
6.What features best reflect what you value about the community in which you live? (check all that apply)
7.Do you buy products from the following local producers in the area, whether it be directly, from a farmer's market, or from a store?
8.Where do storm drains along roads send water?
9.How do you currently find out about projects including road & bridge? (choose all that apply)
10.What is your age? (Please choose one)
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered