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This project is under the direction of Lindsey Egner, Johnna Cummins, Sylvia Harris, and Mallorie Williams, all students at Huntington University, and is a part of a course requirement in our Consumer Behavior class. The Supervising professor is Dr. Brock Zehr who can be contacted at Additionally, the chair of the Institutional Review Board at Huntington University is Dr. Mike Rowley, he can be reached at

I understand that there are no known risks associated with participating in this project and that I will be asked to complete survey questions about the preferred social media use of HU students. The survey should take 5 minutes to complete.

I understand that information gathered from me during this project will not be reported to anyone outside the project team in any manner which might personally identify me. A report of combined and generalized results involving multiple participants will be prepared and may be presented in a scholarly public forum.
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