Rising Star of the Year

This award recognises those individuals who have been working in the industry for a minimum of two years, are under 35 years of age and whose contribution in their role is worthy of industry-wide recognition.
Entry Qualification
To be eligible in this category the individual must have been,
  • Employed by a UK based organisation
  • Have worked in the industry for a minimum of two years (as of 31st December 2023)
  • Be 35 years of age or younger as at 31st December 2023
*Nominations are accepted from the nominee or peers and/or line managers
Judging Criteria
The winning entry will be judged on nominees,

Attitude & mindset.
Recognised skills and abilities.
Confidence to aim high and meet tough objectives.
Drive to develop and grow.
Communication skills.

Question Title

* 1. About You

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* 2. What is the name of the individual you are nominating?

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* 3. Which organisation/publication do they work for?

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* 5. If you are replacing an earlier entry please tells us the date your earlier entry was submitted

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* 6. Please outline here how the nominee has contributed to the organisation through initiative and innovation (max 200 words)

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* 7. Please illustrate here how the nominee's approach to their job has delivered exceptional performance (max 200 words)

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* 8. Please detail the value contributed by the nominee (max 200 words)

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* 9. Please outline here the principle reasons why this entry should win (max 200 words)

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* 10. You may send us one file with up to 3 pages as a supporting document to aid understanding.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 11. If you need to add a video file to support your entry, please paste the Youtube link here.