Thank you for sharing your perspective regarding the experiences, expertise and skills that are desirable in the next superintendent of Romulus Community Schools. While survey contributors will remain anonymous, response data from the survey will be shared publicly. Please note responses that contain the names of individuals and/or foul language will be deleted.

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate your relationship to the school district.

As you read the statements that follow, think of each of them as desired qualities of your new superintendent. Consider current educational goals, the make-up of the administrative staff, district size and the personal qualifications necessary for the individual to fit into the district and community.

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* 2. What education level is preferred for employment? Please select all that apply.

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* 3. What professional experience is preferred for employment? Please select all that apply.

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* 4. Rate by order of importance the areas of expertise you would like to see in the next superintendent.

  Critically Important Very Important Important Fairly Important Not as Important
Budget Development/Management
Contract Administration
Contract Negotiations
Curriculum Development/Evaluation
Personnel Management
Public Relations

Question Title

* 5. Rate by order of importance the dominant leadership style you would like to see in the next superintendent.

  Critically Important Very Important Important Fairly Important Not as Important
Delegated Leadership - This leader is willing to turn over responsibility for decision making and problem solving to others.
Servant Leadership - This leader leads simply by virtue of meeting the needs of his or her team.
Collaborative Leadership - This leader leads by using consensus building and other group processes to arrive at mutually beneficial decisions.
Situational Leadership - This leader demonstrates different leadership styles depending on the situation.
Transformational Leadership - This leader inspires his or her team with a shared vision of the future.
Democratic Leadership - This leader will make the final decision, but invites other members of the team to contribute to the decision-making process.

Question Title

* 6. Rate by order of importance the specialized skills/experiences needed in the next superintendent.

  Critically Important Very Important Important Important Fairly Important
Oriented to community and school district
Recognizes, values and affirms staff members
Adept at media and public relations
Knowledge and experience in all financial matters
Successful experience working with diverse communities
Exceptional written communication skills
Exceedingly responsive (follows through and follows up)
Maintain visibility and accessibility to staff, students and community
Utilize a variety of methods to keep the board informed
Excellent speaking skills with large and small groups
Ability to develop and direct an effective management team
Demonstrated ability to work with elected officials

Question Title

* 7. Rate by order of importance the personal characteristics needed in the next superintendent.

  Critically Important Very Important Important Important Fairly Important
Problem Solver
Honest and Ethical
Human Relations
Self Reliance
Sense of Humor
Risk Taker

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* 8. What do you feel are the best qualities of Romulus Community Schools?

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* 9. Looking at public education over the next five years and area demographics, what challenges will the Romulus Community Schools face that could impact the educational programs for children?

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* 10. What areas of operation of Romulus Community Schools do you feel need to be examined by the new superintendent?