Question Title

* 1. We dispose of paint, pesticides and other toxic products through a municipal household hazardous waste disposal program.

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* 2. We dispose of unused pharmaceuticals and personal care products by participating in a take-back program or by properly sealing the packages and depositing them in the trash.

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* 3. Maintenance is regularly performed on our vehicles to avoid leaks that may wash into storm drains and our waterways.

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* 4. We wash our vehicles at a car wash or wash on the lawn to keep untreated wash water from entering into the storm drain.

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* 5. We dispose of all waste oil from vehicles and other household engines such as snow blowers, chainsaws, etc. through a household hazardous waste program.

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* 6. We limit or don't use fertilizers on our lawn or garden. -or- We test our soil to ensure we are supplying the proper amount of fertilizer to our lawn and garden.

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* 7. We limit, spot spray, or don't use pesticides/herbicides on our lawn or garden.

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* 8. We mow our grass high (2' 1/2" - 3' 1/2") for the health of our lawn.

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* 9. We leave grass clippings on the lawn (mulch) ~OR~ collect and compost them.

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* 10. We water our yard sparingly, if at all ~ OR ~ We will consider a rain sensor if we water our lawn on a regular basis.

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* 11. We manage our roof runoff water through methods that collect the water such as rain barrels or direct drainage through vegetated areas that promote filtration.

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* 12. We have or will consider installing a rain garden in our landscape to reduce storm water runoff and promote infiltration.

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* 13. We have or will consider using native plants in our landscape to reduce water and fertilizer use.

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* 14. We leave or maintain a buffer on areas adjacent to surface water (near a river, lake, pond, or a wetland) where we promote native vegetation, limit mowing, and maximize diverse vegetation to provide filtration of runoff and protection from erosion.

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* 15. In the winter, we use deicer (salt or salt alternatives) sparingly, and only as needed.

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* 16. We clean up after our pets in our own yard as well as on our dog walking route.

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* 17. We prevent groundwater pollution from our septic system by maintaining our tank and drainage field, through routine inspections, cleanouts, protection of tank and drain field, monitoring for issues.

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* 18. We properly wash our boat and/or other equipment that comes in contact with our surface waters between uses on other waterbodies to prevent the spread of invasive species.

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* 19. We have or will consider installing and maintaining natural shoreline (near a river, lake, pond, or wetland) features and remove or minimize any unnatural or hardened banks such as seawalls where feasible.

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* 20. We have refrained from or minimized the removal of vegetation and the addition of sand to the shoreline (near a river, lake, pond, or wetland) to create recreational area.

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* 21. We have not used Coal Tar or other high PAH Sealants on our existing pavement and/or we will refrain from using this sealant in the future.

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* 22. Tell us about other water quality activities you do now around your home (Rain barrels, native landscaping, composting, etc.)

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* 23. Which of the following apply to your Property:

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* 24. Would you like to set up a time for someone from the watershed council to come out and discuss other possible resource concerns, solutions, and/or ways to help continue to be RiverSafe and LakeSafe?

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* 25. Would you like more information on any topic covered in this survey? If so which topic(s)?

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* 26. How did you hear about this survey? (newspaper, website, social media, friend etc.)

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* 27. Today's date:


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* 28. Name:

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* 29. Address:

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* 30. City, State, Zip:

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* 31. Email:

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* 32. Phone number:

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* 33. How can we improve this survey?