The River Road Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan vision for the future includes “thriving, vibrant and active mixed neighborhood centers along the River Road corridor” as well as new housing options.
To implement the vision, the River Road Corridor Study is exploring how new land use concepts and development standards can support existing businesses and build strong neighborhood centers along River Road. This map shows the boundary of the Corridor Study.
Zoning the River Road Corridor The River Road Corridor Study is currently in the phase of exploring several zoning and code change concepts within the project study area. The Corridor Study is developing ideas for how to use zoning and code, investment, and incentives to help make the River Road Santa Clara Neighborhood plan and to align land uses and growth with potential transit improvements being studied in the Moving Ahead project.
River Road Corridor - Study Area The Corridor Study is looking at the segment of River Road between Irving/Hunsaker on the north end and NW Expressway on the south end. Most of the zone changes are being considered for a ¼ mile area around River Road in the two neighborhoods of River Road and Santa Clara.