Feedback on Draft Plan

The Rice Public Library Advisory Committee has developed a 5-year strategy plan that will guide development of our collections, programs, and activities, and services.

The plan was drafted with significant input from Library patrons and the broader Kittery community through surveys, listening sessions, and input cards. Please review the draft plan by clicking here, then complete the survey.

Before we finalize the Strategic Plan, we want to check back in and make sure it reflects the community wants and needs and reflects what we heard during the development phase.

This survey is 5 questions long and takes only 2 minutes to complete.

Please help us finalize our 5-Year Strategic Plan by letting us know your feedback.

Question Title

* 1. WHICH GOAL or ACTION ITEM in the Strategic Plan are you most excited about?

Question Title

* 2. Are there any MISSED OPPORTUNITIES not addressed in the Strategic Plan?