We want you to hear your vision for your community!

Dutchess County has received funding through the New York State Department of State Brownfield Opportunity Area (BOA) program to develop a strategy for revitalizing the former Schatz Bearing Corporation properties located on Fairview Avenue -- see map below. The proposed vision includes a mix of residential and commercial uses, rehabilitating and reusing existing structures, and incorporating new construction and public spaces.

The State's BOA program provides financial and technical assistance to complete area-wide planning efforts to support community revitalization in areas impacted by the real or perceived presence of brownfields and/or underutilized sites. To learn more, please visit the project website -- www.RevitalizeSchatz.com.

Your participation is critical in developing a shared vision for these properties. This 4-minute survey will help the project team understand your ideas for the area, including desired amenities, businesses, and housing.

*Note -- your answers will remain anonymous in the publication of the results.

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BOA Boundary

<strong>BOA Boundary</strong>
Let's Get to Know You and Your Connection to the Schatz Site.

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* 1. What is your age group?

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* 2. Which best describes your location in relation to the Schatz BOA site?

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* 3. How often do you pass the Schatz BOA site?

Let's Get to Know Your Vision for the Schatz Site.

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* 4. The potential revitalization scenario for the Schatz site includes primarily residences, with some limited commercial space. It could also include various public amenities and open spaces. What public amenities would you like to see at the revitalized Schatz BOA site? Select all that apply.

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* 5. What types of businesses would you like to see incorporated into the potential revitalization of the Schatz BOA site? Select all that apply.

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* 6. What types of housing would you like to see offered within the Schatz BOA site? Select all that apply.

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* 7. Do you have any name suggestions for the potential revitalization of the Schatz BOA site? ex. Northside Commons, Fairview Place, The Bearings at Fairview.

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* 8. How often do you use the Northside Line trail that passes the Schatz BOA site?

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* 9. Which scenario would you like to see along Fairview Avenue? Select all that apply. Note that public amenity space could include a range of options (benches, small gathering area, play structure, etc.).

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* 10. If you chose "Other" for question 9, please specify what scenario you would like to see along Fairview Avenue.

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* 11. How would you like to see the history of the former Schatz Bearing Corporation incorporated into the potential revitalization of the BOA site?

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* 12. If you would like to receive project updates please provide your contact information below.

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* 13. Is there anything else you would like to share with the Project Team?