Question Title

1. What is your company's primary business?

Question Title

2. What is your company's primary retail segment?

Question Title

3. What was your organization’s annual revenue in the last fiscal year?

Question Title

4. What is your job title?

Question Title

5. What is your core business function?

Question Title

6. Approximately how many internal resources/people do you currently have doing business analytics in your organization?

Question Title

7. Approximately what percentage of your organization's total technology (IT) budget was allocated to investments in BI/analytics (hardware, software and services/resources) last year (2019) and what do you expect it to be in three years in 2023?

  <5% 5%-9.9% 10% - 14.99% 15% - 19.99% 20% - 24.99% 25% - 29.99% 30% - 34.99% 35% - 39.99% 40% - 44.99% 45%+
FY: 2019
FY: 2023

Question Title

8. Who IS responsible for executing business analytics in your organization?

Question Title

9. Who SHOULD ideally be responsible for executing business analytics in your organization?

Question Title

10. Compared to your competitors, how would you rate yourself against the following parameters? 

  Significantly better than our competitors Better than our competitors At par with our competitors Lagging our competitors Significantly lagging our competitors
Analytics Strategy
Data Management
Data Quality
Analytics Tools
Analytics Skills/Personnel

Question Title

11. Compared to the industry leading retail companies (Walmart, Amazon, Kroger, etc.) how would you rate your organization against the following parameters?

  Significantly better Better At par  Lagging Significantly lagging
Analytics Strategy
Data Management
Data Quality
Analytics Tools
Analytics Skills/Personnel

Question Title

12. In light of the COVID-19 health crisis, what are the top-3 analysis areas of focus for your company over the next year?

Question Title

13. Select the top 3 challenges that prevent your organization from leveraging analytics more strategically.

Question Title

14. Which of the following best describes the most prevalent level of maturity of analytics in the following areas in your organization?

  Basic Departmental Analytics (Ad Hoc Reporting of Information) Basic Enterprise Reporting (After-the-Fact Information Reporting) Basic Analytics (After-the-Fact Trends and Analysis) Investigative Analytics (Correlation/Causal Analysis, Forecasting Techniques) Predictive Analytics (Predictive Modelling, Optimization Algorithms)
Demand Forecasting
Assortment Planning
Space Planning
Pricing & Promotions
Inventory Management
Omnichannel/Digital Commerce
Social Media
Consumer Insights (Profiling/Analysis)
Category Management
Promotional Effectiveness
Marketing Spend
In-Store Analytics

Question Title

15. On average, what best describes how often you share the following data with your consumer goods suppliers?

  Don’t Share This Data No Set Cadence (Ad-Hoc Sharing) Yearly Quarterly Monthly Weekly Daily Multiple times a day
POS Transaction Data
Loyalty or CRM Data
Online Sales Data
Online Customer Behavior Data
Pricing Data
Promotions Performance

Question Title

16. Are you charging manufacturers for the data (as a distinct cost)?

Question Title

17. Do you have changes planned for any of the following software within the coming 12 months?

  Add Software for the First Time Upgrades Planned to Existing System Change to a New Supplier No Changes Planned
Data Visualization/Dashboards
Big Data Analytics Tools
Enterprise BI & Reporting tools
Data Warehouse/Storage
Data Security
Master Data Management
Mobile Business Intelligence
Web/Online Analytics
Social Media Analytics
In-store analytics
Customer Personalization
Software-as-a-Service BI Tool

Question Title

18. Which of the following uses of artificial intelligence and/or machine learning are being leveraged in your organization?

Question Title

19. Which statement about internal data alignment is most accurate within your organization?

Question Title

20. What of the following is the primary method your organization is using to address its need for additional analytics resources?

Question Title

21. How has the use of your analytics resources changed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic?

Question Title

22. Can RIS/CGT attribute your response to the previous open-ended question as a direct quote within our reporting? (If answered no, quotes will be attributed to anonymous respondents.)

Question Title

23. Please provide your company e-mail address. This will just be used to confirm you are a qualified retailer. Your participation in this survey is 100% confidential.