ResearChME (Claim CME or Contact Hours for your research) ResearChME Question Title * 1. You must include your Name and E-mail in order to receive credit. Name: Email Address: Question Title * 2. What topic did you research? Or, what was your clinical question? (provide some not simply type "Diabetes") Question Title * 3. Please indicate your educational need or knowledge gap. Knowledge deficit Improve competence Improve performance Better patient outcomes Question Title * 4. Please click on all the sources you used to answer your clinical questions in research. Access Medicine AHRQ - Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Cochrane Library (Systematic Reviews) CINAHL (Cumulative Index for Nursing & Allied Health) Essential Evidence Plus Diagnostic Essentials Harrisons Online (Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine) MULTISearch Natural Medicines NCCN Guidelines New England Journal of Medicine OVID Pediatric Care Online PubMed (Medline) E-Book/E-Journal Title or Other Resource: Question Title * 5. Please indicate how the information you learned - a) was or will be applied to your practice, or b) achieved your desired result. Differential diagnosis Change in treatment or patient care management Change in medication administration and/or management Decision-making for consultation or referral Update Current understanding or improve knowledge Understand and apply most current standard of care Performance Improvement (PI) Protocol development or guideline implementation Reduce costs or improve efficiency Improve patient education Knowledge base in preparation for a presentation Reduce length of stay Other (please specify) Submit