Please provide your nomination(s) for each of the offices below.  Self-nominations are strongly encouraged.

Officers must be members in good standing. All those nominated who are interested in running will be required to complete a "consent to serve" form in order to be listed on the voting ballots.

If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to WSNA Nurse Representative Brenda Balogh.
Chair and Vice-Chair

The Local Unit Chair and Vice-Chair are the leaders and coordinators of the local unit. The Chair is responsible for ensuring that goals and business of the local unit are accomplished. The Vice-Chair assists and serves a backup. The goals are that members are informed and involved, that the local unit rules are followed, and committees are functioning and accountable. Sounds like a big job–it is! Don’t worry– you do not have to do this alone!

Question Title

* 1. Nomination(s) for Chair

Question Title

* 2. Nomination(s) for Vice-Chair


The Local Unit Secretary as an officer and member of the Local Unit Executive Committee is responsible for ensuring that all officers and committees of the local unit are notified of upcoming meetings and events. The Local Unit Secretary assists with gathering information for the local unit newsletters and works with the Local Unit Chair in sending the materials to the WSNA Nurse Representative at the WSNA Office.

Question Title

* 3. Nomination(s) for Secretary


In 1978, the membership of the Washington State Nurses Association voted to allocate 4% of dues paid by each member of a bargaining unit to a local unit fund to be used to support activities of each local unit. Since then, funds have been used to assist local unit officers and others to carry on the important tasks before them in representing the interests of members.

The Treasurer’s duties include authorizing and signing for payment of bills that have been approved by the Chairperson; keeping an itemized account of all receipts and disbursements; reporting to the Executive Committee on the status of the dues.

Question Title

* 4. Nomination(s) for Treasurer

Grievance Officer

The Grievance Officer is an important office in the local bargaining unit and a member of the Local Unit Executive Team. The Grievance Officer oversees contract enforcement using the grievance procedure found in the contract, and by doing so, advocates for all nurses.

Question Title

* 5. Nomination(s) for Grievance Officer