Nominations Deadline - August 15th

The Regional Law Enforcement Award will recognize candidates nationally based on:
  • The nominating agency participated in and reported results for the Operation Dry Water weekend.
  • Exceptional, regional-level achievements in boating under the influence detection, deterrence, and enforcement by an individual, a unit, bureau, division, or a combination of the preceding, for outstanding work directly related to the Operation Dry Water heightened awareness and enforcement weekend.
  • Submission of a narrative by the law enforcement agency to include a description of the nominee’s contributions to boating under the influence detection, deterrence, and enforcement focused on: deterrence of violations; enforcement of BUI laws; public relations; and boater education, directly related to the Operation Dry Water campaign and the three-day heightened awareness and enforcement weekend.

Agencies should nominate an individual, team, unit, bureau, or division that went above and beyond in their work to deter, detect, and remove impaired operators from our waterways, and in their efforts to promote the Operation Dry Water campaign and to educate recreational boaters.

Nominations for this award may be submitted by any agency that participated and reported results for the 2024 Operation Dry Water weekend.

For more information on the Operation Dry Water Awards Program, click here.