
Each year, recognized entities shall be required to:
  • certify that they continue to meet the eligibility criteria; and
  • provide a roster of the organization’s members entitled to vote at the organization’s annual meeting of members as of the date of the certification.
By submitting this form the participating group is certifying that they continue to meet the eligibility criteria. The Annual Certification period shall be March 1 through April 15 each year.

Eligibility Criteria
  • For the Assembly of State and Regional Societies, a minimum of 90% of the organization’s members must be ASPS Active or Life Active members unless the society has been admitted under the ASPS Council of Representatives Provisional Participation Policy.
  • For the Assembly of National and Specialty Societies, a minimum of 90% of the organization’s members must be ASPS Active or Life Active members or unless the organization is contractually affiliated with ASPS or has signed the ASPS Council of Representatives Participation Agreement.
  • Assembly of Member Sections members who do not qualify for ASPS Active member status must be members in good standing of the SIG or Forum they represent.
As part of the certification process, state, regional, national, and specialty societies must submit a roster of members entitled to vote in their organization’s annual business meeting. SIGs and Forums must provide a roster of the SIG or Forum’s members. The roster must be in an Excel file format and must contain specific information described on page 3 of this online form. The rosters must be submitted via email immediately following submission of this form. Unfortunately, ASPS is unable to process the certification without the accompanying roster.

Please complete and submit the following by April 15.