Survey of how R&D intensive businesses may best drive performance from place, 2019

1.Commercial R&D Survey

1.Which sector(s) is your company in(Required.)
2.How many people are employed in your organisation
3.Where do you have R&D teams located in offices/facilities in the UK today?
4.Please identify a town, city or location that is particularly relevant to your consideration of locating facilities in and which you might then use for considering location based issues in this questionnaire
5.When considering a location for basing your people involved with R&D in what are the most important issues, in terms of proximity?
Not too important
Highly important
Research base
Other corporate R&D activity
Clinical Activity
Equipment/technical services
Relevant cluster/industry events
Public Transport infrastructure
Road Transport infrastructure
Where staff might live
Professional service providers
6.Are there any of the following that you would like to be quite close to but would actually prefer not to be immediately on site with?
7.In relation to location of your team(s) of people and proximity to the research base, if relevant describe in minutes what you think a good level of proximity might entail.  Use whichever modes of transport you feel most relevant.
Under 10 minutes
Within 10 - 30 minutes
Within an hour
On foot
By bicycle
By bus/tram
By train
By car
8.In relation to location of your team(s) of people and proximity to other corporate R&D activity, if relevant describe in minutes what you think a good level of proximity might entail.  Use whichever modes of transport you feel most relevant.
Under 10 minutes
Within 10 - 30 minutes
Within an hour
By foot
By bicycle
By bus/tram
By train
By car
9.In relation to location of your team(s) of people and proximity to clinical activity, if relevant describe in minutes what you think a good level of proximity might entail.  Use whichever modes of transport you feel most relevant.
Under 10 minutes
Within 10 - 30 minutes
Within an hour
By foot
By bicycle
By bus/tram
By train
By car
10.In relation to location of your team(s) people and proximity to equipment/technical services, if relevant describe in minutes what you think a good level of proximity might entail.  Use whichever modes of transport you feel most relevant.
Within 10 minutes
Within 10 - 30 minutes
Within an hour
By foot
By bicycle
By bus/tram
By train
By car
11.In relation to location of your team(s) of people and proximity to relevant cluster/industry events provided by others, if relevant describe in minutes what you think a good level of proximity might entail.  Use whichever modes of transport you feel most relevant.
Under 10 minutes
Within 10 - 30 minutes
Within an hour
By foot
By bicycle
By bus/tram
By train
By car
12.Is availability of hot desk space/lounge areas in university/hospital environments something you would value highly?
13.Please tick the following issues you consider to be barriers to getting value out of the research base
14.If there is any particular property that you worry there might be a shortage of into the future please describe it here (including with reference to location as may be appropriate)
15.What single thing might you ask to see done to enable you to better realise 'value add' from working with the research base in the location
16.Where else might you locate the activity if you cannot get the right property for your needs in the town, city or place you suggested as the place to consider for this survey
17.If you feel comfortable doing so, please provide your company name here, so that we know not to chase your organisation for completion of this questionnaire.  We confirm that all data is anonymised and we do not follow up with any form of contact or pass your details on to any other third party as a consequence of you taking part in this survey.
Current Progress,
0 of 17 answered