Thank you for taking the time to fill out this year's survey! We appreciate your efforts and results will be anonymously recorded to gauge the current knowledge on the topic of racial equity within CoC agencies and committees

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1. What role do you serve in the Community? Check all that apply

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3. Do you serve on any boards or committees? (Check all that apply)


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4. Demographics Checklist (Please check all that apply)

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5. Demographics Checklist (Please check all that apply)

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6. Gender

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7. Highest Education Level

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8. Do you have lived experience with homelessness or housing insecurity? [ex. couch surfing,  staying in a homeless shelter, sleeping outside, sleeping in an abandoned building, living in a house without running water, electricity or is otherwise unsafe] (Optional)

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9. Income (Optional)

Racial Equity Topics

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10. In your opinion, what is the difference between equality and equity?

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11. Check all words or phrases that apply to your definition of Equity.

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12. Check all words or phrases that apply to your definition of Equality.

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13. Check all words or phrases that apply to your definition of Racism.

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14. How do you see racism manifested in the homeless system?

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15. Check all words or phrases that apply to your definition of Classism.

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16. How do you see classism manifested in the homeless system?

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17. Check all words or phrases that apply to your definition of Sexism.

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18. How do you see sexism manifested in the homeless system?

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19. Does your organization have a policy on racial equity?

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20. Are Racial Equity and Cultural Humility training's available within your organization?

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21. Have you ever felt uncomfortable or out of place at work because of your personal characteristics (e.g. gender, race, ethnicity, age, religion, sexual orientation)?

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27. What resources does your department or organization provide to address racial disparities?

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28. If the CoC board developed a  policy on racial equity what would you like to see included?