Reimagining and Revitalizing Service Committees (RR-EN) |
IDT Input Form
For a workshop outline on this topic and information on the other Issue Discussion Topics this cycle, visit
This topic reflects the challenges and opportunities that many NA communities are encountering. NA, like the rest of the world, has been permanently altered by the pandemic. Some communities are struggling to rebuild services, while others are exploring new ways to carry the message by building on the experience gained in the last few years.
Guided by Fellowship input and response to the CAR survey, the 2023 World Service Conference selected this as an Issue Discussion Topic, or IDT.
Taking an inventory:
One approach that we are all familiar with is to begin by taking an inventory when we are trying to identify areas that need improvement. The first questions are inventory questions about changes inside and outside NA since 2019.
One approach that we are all familiar with is to begin by taking an inventory when we are trying to identify areas that need improvement. The first questions are inventory questions about changes inside and outside NA since 2019.
Inventory Questions: