Please complete the evaluation questions for each session you attend.
Wait to complete the survey until after you have finished all sessions -
both live and virtual. Thank you.

Question Title

* Enter your name:

Question Title

* 1. Confident and Curious: How to Help Children and Teens with ADHD Reduce Worrying and Develop the Competence thy Need - Dr. Sharon Saline
Comments or recommendations:

Question Title

* How well did Dr. Sharon Saline meet the following learning outcomes:

"Participants will be able to: describe how anxiety works in the brain and body, Identify and reduce negative thinking, develop tools for addressing social anxiety, and identify and develop social and educational resilience"?

Question Title

* 2. ADHD 101 Part 1 What is ADHD - Dr. Brooklee Tynes Comments or recommendations:

Question Title

* How well did Dr. Tynes meet the learning outcome

" By the end of the session, participants will be able to identify and symptoms of ADHD , understand the importance of evaluation for assessing ADHD and related conditions, and to accurately identify evaluation methods to develop for children and teens"?

Question Title

* 3. Don't Hulk Out! Behavior Goals and SEL: Improving Behavior in the Classroom Dr. Sarieta Pollard
Comments or recommendations:

Question Title

* How well did Dr. Pollard meet the learning outcome

"Participants will be able to identify social-emotional learning strategies to address behaviors and be able to utilize effective classroom management practices"?

Question Title

* 4. Behavioral Treatment for Children with ADHD: Building a Functional Foundation - Amber Dufrene
Comments or recommendations:

Question Title

* How well did Amber Dufrene meet the learning outcome

"Participants will be able to list two types of behavioral training, and use strategies to to implement behavioral skills acquisition and maintenance"?

Question Title

* 5. Hurting, Troubled, or Just Bad and Will Play Really Help? - Mindy Hamilton
Comments or recommendations:

Question Title

* How well did Mindy Hamilton meet the learning outcome

"Participants will be able to define Play Therapy, define Polyvagal Theory and how it helps children, and name three playful regulation skills"?

Question Title

* 6. The Impact of Pouring from an Empty Cup: Understanding the consequences of Depleted Resources and the Ethical Implementation for Practice - Danyella Terrell
Comments or recommendations:

Question Title

* How well did Danyella Terrell meet the learning outcome

"Participants will understand the detrimental effects of operating with depleted resources and will have and be able to use practical resources to cultivate self-awareness and establish healthy boundaries"?

Question Title

7. - Beyond Rebellion: Ways to Identify and Treat Oppositional Defiant Disorder - Dr. Christina Williams
Comments or recommendations:

Question Title

* How well did Dr. Williams meet the learning outcome

"Participants will be able to identify the symptoms of Oppositional Defiant Disorder, understand the therapeutic strategies to treat symptoms of ODD" and understand medication management strategies for ODD"?

Question Title

* 8. ADHD 101 - Part II- Intervention and Early Treatment - Lauren English
Comments or recommendations:

Question Title

* How well did Lauren English meet the learning outcome

"Participants will be able to identify the importance of diagnosing and treating ADHD as early as possible to improve student outcomes, understand the importance of addressing behavior management, and be familiar with the benefits of successful medication management of ADHD"?

Question Title

* 9. Understanding ADHD and Substance Use Disorder - Dr. Keith Simnicht
Comments or recommendations:

Question Title

* How well did Dr. Simnicht meet the learning outcome

"Participants will be able to define substance use disorder, understand the relationship between substance use disorder and ADHD, and identify treatment modalities and implications with co-existing ADHD"?

Question Title

* 10.  Is a Service Dog the Answer? - Alison Patrolia
Comments or recommendations:

Question Title

* How well did Ms. Patrolia meet the learning outcomes

"Participants will be able to explain the difference between an emotional support animal, therapy animal, and service animal; learn ADA legal rules regarding service animals; and determine which animal best meets particular needs"?

Question Title

* 11. Helping Little People Manage Their Behavior: It Really Does Take a Village - Dr. Susan Clark
Comments and/or recommendations:

Question Title

* How well did Dr. Clark meet the learning outcome

"Participants will be able to identify reasons little people struggle with challenging behaviors, describe what is meant by behavior management, and identify positive behavior management strategies"?

Question Title

* 12. Difficult Conversations and Interventions for Solutions - Dr. Billie Fick
Comments and/or recommendations:

Question Title

* How well did Dr. Fick meet the learning outcome

"Participants will be able to identify interventions to diffuse difficult situations with people who are emotional and/or angry; use steps to define, change and improve the emotional state of a confrontation; and apply techniques used to collaborate and diffuse situations with parents, co-workers, and students"?

Question Title

* 13. How Can Educators Partner with Families and Health Providers to Identify and Optimally Care for Students with ADHD? - Dr. Jonathan Shook
Comments and/or recommendations:

Question Title

* How well did Dr. Shook meet the learning outcome

"Participants will understand more about ADHD and ways students with ADHD may struggle with a goal, feel more confident in discussing signs and struggles of ADHD with parents or caregivers, and communicate with students' health care providers more effectively to optimize management of ADHD"?

Question Title

* 14. Warm Welcomes and Strong Finishes: Embracing Every Child Through Effective and Inclusive Classroom Practices - Dr. Zachary LaBrot
Comments and/or recommendations:

Question Title

* How well did Dr. LaBrot meet the learning outcome

"Participants will learn how to effectively implement positive greeting at the door, how to implement the KerPlunk and Social Sprouts games for improving behaviors, and how to tailor these interventions for maximum success"?

Question Title

* 15. TBRI - Attachment-based, Trauma-informed Intervention for Vulnerable Children - Maggie Shorter
Comments and/or recommendations:

Question Title

* How well did Maggie Shorter meet the learning outcome

"Participants will gain insight on TBRI and its effects, learn practical tools for intervention and application of TBRI approach, and gain understanding regarding interpreting behavior and responding appropriately using TBRI alongside ABA strategies"?

Question Title

* 16. Somewhere on the Spectrum: Recognizing Characteristics of Autism Beyond Diagnostic Criteria - Dr. Carrie Morgan
Comments and/or recommendations:

Question Title

* How well did Dr. Morgan meet the learning outcome

"Participants will be able to identify diagnostic criteria of autism spectrum disorder, understand factors impacting variation in presentation of symptoms, and recognize how features of autism may present differently amongst persons with ASD "?

Question Title

* 17. A New Approach to Autism Education and Employment - Zachary Murphy
Comments and/or recommendations:

Question Title

* How well did Mr. Murphy meet the learning outcome

"Participants will learn how to recognize signs of exceptional students who may not fit into traditional educational molds, effective strategies for supporting students with diverse learning needs and talents, and the importance of a compassionate and individual approach in education"?

Question Title

* 18. Setting Young Children Up for Success Addressing Executive Functioning and Social Development - Dr. Alicia Westbrook
Comments and/or recommendations:

Question Title

* How well did Dr. Westbrook meet the learning outcomes

"Participants will be able to define executive functioning and its related skills, apply strategies to increase inhibitory control in young children, and connect how developing executive function will promote social development and friendship"?

Question Title

* 19. Values Land: Moving Towards the Sweet Stuff to Build Resilience - Dr. Brooklee Tynes
Comments and/or recommendations

Question Title

* How well did Dr. Tynes meeting the learning outcomes

"Participants will be able to establish personal values, identify daily practices to promote appropriate self-care, and utilize emotion regulation strategies to assist in stress management"?

Question Title

* 20. Enhancing Executive Functioning Skills for Students Success in the Classroom - Erin C. Hendricks
Comments and/or recommendations

Question Title

* How well did Erin Hendricks meet the learning outcomes

"Participants will have clear understanding of what Executive Functioning is and what it is not, gain insight into strategies and accommodations that can be made to increase student independence in the classroom, and evaluate classroom practices and research resources for future information"?

Question Title

* 21. ADHD in Girls and Women: What does it Look Like? How is it Affected by Hormones Melanie Hamm
Comments and/or recommendations

Question Title

* How well did Melanie Hamm meet the learning outcomes

"Participants will be able to recognize signs and symptoms of ADHD that are specifically characteristic to females; understand how hormonal changes in females affect ADHD; and learn helpful tips for dealing with common ADHD symptoms that affect females in school, the work environment, and relationships"?

Question Title

* 22. ADHD Through the Seasons of Life: Childhood, Adolescence, and Adulthood - Lauren English
Comments and/or recommendations

Question Title

* How well did Lauren English meet the learning outcomes

"Participants will review ADHD definition and DSM criteria, create a plan of action for patients in all seasons of life, discuss how to empower others with ADHD, and view patient presentations in different seasons of life"?

Question Title

* 23. Supporting Students with ADHD in the Classroom Dr. Sarieta Pollard
Comments and/or recommendations

Question Title

* How well did Dr. Pollard meet the learning outcomes?

Participants will be able to define ADHD, identify strategies to address behaviors associated with ADHD, and analyze classroom management practices and discipline practices for students.

Question Title

* 24. ADHD Medication Management for Clinicians Part 1 Dr. Jonathan Shook
Comments and/or recommendations:

Question Title

* How well did Dr. Shook meet the learning outcomes

"Participants will be able to understand the importance of ADHD medication treatment, make selections among medications to treat ADHD more confidently, and navigate the logistics of starting ADHD medication more efficiently"?

Question Title

* 25. Dyslexia 101 Holli Hinton
Comments and/or recommendations:

Question Title

* How well did Holli Hinton meet the learning outcomes

"Participant will be able to act in the best interest of struggling readers and readers with dyslexia and other reading disorders, maintain the public trust by providing accurate information about currently accepted and scientifically supported best practices in the field, avoid misrepresentation of the efficacy of educational or other treatments or the proof for or against those treatments"?

Question Title

* 26. Dyslexia intervention for a Positive Life Journey Part 2 Donna George
Comments and/or recommendations:

Question Title

* How well did Donna George meet the learning outcomes

"Participant will be able to list at least three areas of skills taught in dyslexia therapy, identify the difference between tutoring and dyslexia therapy, and explain why intervention is needed in the life of a student with dyslexia"?

Question Title

* 27. Dyslexia Simulation Holli Hinton - Only offered at Live Conference
Comments and/or recommendations:

Question Title

* How well did Holli Hinton meet the learning outcomes

"Participants will be able to understand/apply in practice the rationale for multisensory and multimodal language-learning techniques, know/apply in practice considerations for the role of fluent word-level skills in automatic word reading, oral reading fluency, reading comprehension, and motivation to read, and strive to do no harm and to act in the best interests of struggling readers and readers with dyslexia and other reading disorders"?

Question Title

* 28. Dyslexia: Understanding Dyslexia as a Positive Life Journey- Part 1
Cena Holifield
Comments and/or recommendations:

Question Title

* How well did Cena Holifield meet the learning outcomes

"Participants will be able to identify the signs and symptoms demonstrated by children with dyslexia, be aware that dyslexia is not a negative label, but a diagnosis that brings with it hope and success, and provide parents, teachers, and others with better knowledge of how to guide children with dyslexia on a positive life journey"?

Question Title

* 29. Identifying and Treating Auditory processing Deficits in Individuals with ADHD and Related Conditions Alicia Swann
Comments and/or recommendations:

Question Title

* How well did Alicia Swann meet the learning outcomes

"Participants will be able to recognize how poor auditory processing affects learning how to read, describe different auditory processing deficits that can cause difficulty understanding speech, and the benefits of hearing assistive technology and remote microphone systems for individuals with APD, ADHD, Dyslexia, and ASD"?

Question Title

* 30. Increasing the Breadth and Depth of Word Knowledge in Students with Dyslexia Lisa Hand
Comments and/or recommendations:

Question Title

* How well did Lisa Hand meet the learning outcomes

"Participants will be able to know/apply in practice consideration for the role of vocabulary development and vocabulary knowledge in oral and written language comprehension, apply in practice consideration for the role and characteristics of indirect methods of vocabulary, and apply considerations for the role and characteristics of direct, explicit methods of vocabulary instruction"?

Question Title

* 31. Is it Language Proficiency or a Potential Disability? Supporting English Learners in the Science of Reading Monique Henderson
Comments and/or recommendations:

Question Title

* How well did Monique Henderson meet the learning outcomes

"Participants will be able to identify questions to consider when deciding if a multilingual learner might also have a learning disability, better understand the needs of English learners working on foundational literacy skills, and learn to better support oral literacy for English learners"?

Question Title

* 32. Level the Playing Field: and Teaching to the Edges - Patricia Permenter
Comments and/or recommendations:

Question Title

* How well did Patti Permenter meet the following learning outcomes

"Participants will be able to identify evidence-based instructional practices to support students in poverty and identify at least one approach to implement evidence-based instructional practices in their classroom"?


"Participants will be able to identify three E's which might cause learners to struggle or be unsuccessful in a traditional classroom, understand how to design differentiated lesson to reach students who are identified as exceptional education, economically disadvantaged, and/or English language learners, and use strategies to meet the need of these students so they don't fall further behind higher achieving students"?

Question Title

* 33. Navigating ADHD: A Guide for Parents Jeffery VeZain
Comments and/or recommendations:

Question Title

* How well did Jeffery VeZain meet the learning outcomes

"Participants will be able to identify neurotransmitter imbalances responsible for ADHD symptoms, understand the differences between stimulant and non-stimulant treatment options, and recognize causes of side effects and medication failures, and develop strategies to prevent them"?

Question Title

* 34. Powerful Read Alouds Holli Hinton
Comments and/or recommendations:

Question Title

* How well did Holli Hinton meet the learning outcomes

"Participants will consider research supporting the benefits of reading aloud to children, identify practical strategies that can be applied in their own read alouds, and have the opportunity to evaluate their current practice for opportunities to be diagnostic and prescriptive during read aloud activities"?

Question Title

* 35. What Kids with ADHD wish you Knew and How you can Help Sharon Saline
Comments and recommendations:

Question Title

* How well did Sharon Saline meet the learning outcomes

"Participants will be able to explain the biological behavioral and emotional factors related to ADHD and executive functioning skills, explore the impact of coexisting disorders, apply innovative strategies to improve executive functioning skills, and foster a growth mindset and resilience in children and adolescents"?

Question Title

* 36. Keynote Let's Move to Learn Larry Calhoun
Comments and/or recommendations:

Question Title

* How well did Larry Calhoun meet the learning outcomes

"Participants will learn how to help students improve academic achievements, create a positive learning environment, and promote effective classroom management"?

Question Title

* 37. From Ideas to Papers: Helping Students with ADHD to Master Writing - Breithaupt and Wooten
Comments and Recommendations:

Question Title

* How well did Breitaupt and Wooten meet the learning outcomes

"Participants will understand challenges in writing for students with ADHD, learn scaffolding techniques and differentiation strategies, and apply practical examples through case studies."

Question Title

* 38. Commercial Bias:

Did you as a participant detect any commercial bias by a presenter during any session? Please indicate Yes or No in the comment box below. If your response is Yes, please name the session and provide a brief explanation in the comment box.